The drama surrounding OpenAI presents a perfect opportunity to update your social media filters—deciding whom to follow. It's surprising to see so many large accounts promoting poorly conceived theories.

It's perplexing why people fabricate extreme theories, only to be debunked within 24 hours. Perhaps our lives are so dull that we crave these stories for escapism.
Even if a small fraction of these theories turns out to be true, the amount of baseless speculation is concerning. Moreover, certain accounts seize this chance to spread dubious information about key figures involved.
Yesterday, I argued that social media is dead. Despite the buzz on Twitter this weekend that might have made it feel alive, clarity was clearly lacking. It's a paradox: the more we share, the less we actually know.
Is this the fault of social media, or does it simply expose who we are? I don’t know.
In every company, chaos is a constant, irrespective of its fame. Decisions shaping leadership and the course of technology, as pivotal as electricity, must not hinge on the whims of a select few, especially on their off days.
This struggle to find alignment among ourselves hints at a greater challenge in aligning AGI – almost impossible in today’s hive mind.
Anyway, on to the next drama.