I've always been fascinated by the idea of 'remixing' ideas. This concept first caught my attention on a coding site - which name I forget but the logo was some kind of fish ;) - where you could remix projects into something new, similar to GitHub's 'forking'. The site was at the time more playful and socially designed than GitHub. I don’t think it ever took.
Ok... After writing this post, I asked GPT about the name, and it knew! They are still around! Replit took the crown, huh?

Nevertheless, I really like the remix button; humans have always combined ideas to create something new. It's how we progress and innovate.
With AI, especially GPT apps, this becomes even more accessible. The canvas is never empty; there's always a response, a new idea, something to remix.

You can ponder your thoughts, share problems, and imagine how thinkers like Alan Watts might solve them.
You can even simulate conversations between historical figures like Jobs and Da Vinci.
The strangest combinations often create the most innovative ideas or are at the root of new inisghts, which is crucial for building a better future.
As Steve Jobs said, the world belongs to the misfits, the 'crazy ones.' Now, anyone can brainstorm crazy ideas, with access to the world's knowledge graph, anytime, anywhere, without judgment or consequences. Insecurity holds people back, removing this IS a big deal, not many people realize this because they are stuck in Plato’s cave.
Reasoning can help you connect the dots, not only looking backward but in the present moment.
My countless learning experiences with GPT exemplify this. Reasoning with information is a hidden gem of Large Language Models (LLMs).
Last night while building MirrorAI:
Welcome to the Mirror AI. As we begin, remember that this is a place for you to explore your thoughts and beliefs. Let's start with a simple question: Reflect on a recent event that caused you discomfort or anger. Describe the situation, how you reacted, and what thoughts were running through your mind at that moment.
Follow-up Prompts:
What did this reaction tell you about what you value or what you're attached to?
How did your perception of yourself influence how you felt about this event?
In what ways might your ego have shaped your response?
Imagine if you had no personal stake in the outcome of the event. How might you have reacted differently?
AI might be a better ‘coach’ (hate that word!) than we are willing to admit.
My controversial take is; that it is better than 99% of the coaches out there, for the simple reason you are willing to speak the quiet thought out loud which you are not willing to share with another person. Why local AI is important.
Most people don’t think; they sleepwalk into most events, that AI can help you think is really something.
And of course, pen and paper is enough, but who is using this deep inside the plato's cave?
See ya!