I create products that simplify tedious processes in machine learning model development and deployment. My work enables researchers and engineers to iterate faster, transition from prototype to production more smoothly, and retrain their models automatically and reproducibly.
Work Experience
Bringing efficient deep learning to embedded systems.
Designed, built, and maintained ML pipeline infrastructure for teams operating at scale.
Prototyped a solution to streamline the new user experience of ML Workflows, an internal tool designed to automate, schedule, and share machine learning pipelines.
Implemented some of the top ten feature requests for Twitter’s ad content moderation platform, increasing reviewer productivity and reducing unsafe ad impressions.
Selected Coursework: Open Source Software Development, Language Technology, Supervised Research: Computational Models of Syntax Acquisition, Supervised Research: Using Kernel Methods and Model Selection to Predict Preterm Birth
Selected Coursework: Computing in Context – Digital Humanities, Languages of America, Advanced Italian I, Intermediate Latin I, Advanced Workshop in Translation, Rapid Reading and Translation in Italian
Model Card Toolkit is a library that that streamlines and automates the generation of model cards.
TensorFlow Extended (TFX) is an end-to-end platform for deploying production ML pipelines.
Side Projects
Walt is a minimal documentation theme based on writ.css. It features classless styles for semantic HTML and supports light and dark mode based on system settings.
Terminal Block is a WordPress block plugin for displaying rich text in an animated terminal window. It's compatible with WordPress 5.9 or higher and is available in the Block Directory.
I once read a Tweet that said, "you can make any Wikipedia article dystopian by changing it to the past tense." Dystopian Wikipedia sounded like a fun idea, so I built Dystopedia as a proof-of-concept.
I explored the relationship between lemma length and CEFR level for lemmas in the Swedish Kelly list dataset. Here's what I learned!
The ability to visually inspect TFX artifacts with InteractiveContext is invaluable for debugging. Learn how to visualize custom TFX artifacts with InteractiveContext in this tutorial.
My reflections on learning how to code by printing "Hello, World!". Written two years after I started programming.