

Front-End Engineer in Bangladesh, He/him


I'm an enthusiastic front-end engineer with expertise in React.js, Vue.js, Tailwind CSS, Git, and HTML/CSS. I'm committed to continuous learning and problem-solving. Let's connect and explore opportunities to create innovative web solutions together!



The game allows you to challenge the computer and track your score. The goal was to recreate the fun and complexity of this expanded version of the classic game, all while honing my skills in React and Tailwind CSS.


This application offers users an immersive space tourism website experience. It harnesses the power of Vue.js for dynamic functionality, Tailwind CSS for sleek styling, Vue Router for smooth page transitions, and GSAP for stunning animations. Moreover, it's fully responsive, ensuring seamless usability across desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.


This app empowers users to effortlessly explore the lightbox gallery and add items to the cart. It leverages a seamless lightbox gallery, advanced Tailwind CSS, and optimized component communication. Additionally, it applies dynamic theming using a utility-first approach.


This app empowers users to effortlessly shorten URLs with its user-friendly interface. It leverages the CleanURI API, Clipboard API, and advanced CSS for seamless functionality. Additionally, CORS proxy is utilized for enhanced API integration.


This app empowers users to effortlessly explore IP address details and domains. It leverages IP Geolocation API, Leaflet.js, and Axios API for seamless functionality.


This app allows users to effortlessly calculate their age and discover their zodiac signs with precision. Utilizing advanced logic and robust form validation, this app ensures flawless functionality.


Welcome to Stoic Quotes, your gateway to timeless wisdom from Stoic philosophers. With just a click, discover profound insights and inspiration to navigate life's challenges. Embrace daily doses of Stoic wisdom effortlessly.



This is a submission for DEV Challenge v24.03.20, One Byte Explainer: Browser API or Feature.

Work Experience

2022 — 2023
Dhaka, Bangladesh

I collaborated closely with colleagues to ensure the integrity and quality of our data, leveraging effective teamwork and communication to maintain high standards. I demonstrated proficiency in managing and organizing large datasets and information, employing efficient strategies to streamline processes and enhance productivity. Utilizing my strong time-management skills, I consistently met deadlines and completed tasks promptly and efficiently, contributing to the overall success of our projects.


2022 — Now
Student Ambassador at University of the People

