How do I create a page?
Open the profile editor and click the pencil icon to navigate to the writing tab. From here click the New page
button in the top right of the writing tab.
How do I format text?
When the document is focused click the Turn into dropdown in the toolbar to change the current text block into a heading, list, code-block, or blockquote.
How do I insert an image?
When the document is focused click the Insert dropdown in the toolbar, then click Photos and video. This will open the photo uploader where you can drag and drop photos and video into the modal, or click the upload button to select files from your computer.
What can I embed in a page?
Currently you can embed a Tweet, Vimeo video, or any Figma file or prototype.
To add an embed, click the Insert dropdown in the toolbar when the document is focused, then click Embed. Choose between a Twitter, Vimeo, or Figma embed and paste the relevant link in the embed modal. Lastly click Insert and the embed will show up in your Page.
How do I password protect my page?
In the page editor click the Draft or Published button in the toolbar, and then click Password protect. From that menu you will be able to add or remove a password from your page. Only users who enter the correct password will be able to see your page.
How do I preview my page?
Click the Draft button in the toolbar and then select Preview draft. If your page is already published click the Published button in the toolbar and then select Preview changes.
How do I publish my page?
Click the Publish button in the bottom right of the page editor.
How do I revert my page to a draft?
Navigate to the writing tab in the profile editor and find the page you would like to unpublish. Click the unpublish action button under the page you'd like to revert to a draft.
How do I revert my changes to a published page?
Click the Published button in the toolbar and select Revert changes.
How do I delete my page?
Navigate to the writing tab in the profile editor and find the page you would like to delete. Click the delete action button under the page you'd like to delete.