Stanislav Korchevskyi

Stanislav Korchevskyi

Fullstack Development in Ukraine, He/him

Excited about the new Next.js features

2 months ago


  • In love with developing interesting projects
  • Studying Software Engineering
  • Ukraine / Kyiv 💙💛

Work Experience


2021 — Now
B.S. Software Engineering at National Aviation University
Ukraine, Kyiv

So far got a good OOP understanding, some C# and Java experience, led a team project and learned the fundamentals of Computer Science and Software Engineering



The aim of this project was to practice full-stack development skills and to learn new interesting technologies. With this app, users can easily find a movie or TV series, watch a trailer, leave a comment, and add it to their bookmarks. They can also change the theme of the app


This web application is designed to provide users with an interactive platform to browse, search, and purchase various gadgets. Whether you're looking for smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, or other electronic devices, this application has got you covered.


My Setup