Shaikh Rumman Fardeen
Student in India
MERN Stack NextJS Dev | Web3 Full Stack Dev | ML Dev | UI UX Designer | Alhumdullilah mindset
A simple application where you can post/find relevant prompts for a suit-case
A simple platform to convert ASL to visual images.
Side Projects
The official website for VITC Model United Nation 2023
A project of remembrance where you can find Quranic Quotes , Hadith Quotes with a beautiful parallax
A MLSA event which started with a hands-on workshop on Git and GitHub followed by how to start with open source in Hacktoberfest
A workshop which included the basics of UI UX principles and hands on workshop on Figma
I was the core organizer and responsible for the stage decor and with my team, I ensured the functionalities were well covered throughout the event.
Course Completion Badge for Cloud Practitioner Exam