We ended up with 64 different styles for organizers to use. One of the newest ideas I implemented into here was using neon shapes and colors in addition to a black background. This enabled us to bring in a theme of "we might've been flickering before but now we're up bright". The neon design theme also brings in a host of animation possibilities. MA Hacks is one of the first hackathons to use Hack Club Bank's new hackathon program and associated assorted tools and perks for organizers.

The MA Hacks fonts are 4 distinct fonts: Hello Denver (the tube lookin' one), Palmer Sans, Inter, and Outfit. All were chosen to fit well together. Logos use the first two while documents and any text use the last two. We can see this on the prospectus.

This very low-quality image is a screenshot from the prospectus. Outfit and Inter are both shown here as well as our accessory shapes. We use the following shapes and colors to enhance the UI anywhere during the event.

Above are colors and below are the shapes. I've put them in a commonly used pattern that can be seen throughout the branding.