Seyvaq Singh

Seyvaq Singh

Transformation & Strategy in Kuala Lumpur

Always looking for new challenges.

A year ago


At my core I'm a designer who solves problems. In my current role at Affin, I drive large-scale transformations, fostering a culture of experimentation and creativity through relentless iterations, irresponsible curiosity, and copious amounts of tea.

Work Experience

2022 — Now
Kuala Lumpur

Typically as a bank, options for creativity in problem solving are limited. Rather serendipitously though, limitations breed creativity ✨ With the Group currently undergoing a large-scale shift towards digitisation, the processes have been afforded some room for experimentation. I am currently enjoying occupying that room and being able to come up with interesting ways to solve problems every day.

In addition to transformation duties, my team works towards heightening the marketing capabilities of the Group as well, and we spearhead many new initiatives in an attempt to bring the organisation as a whole onto the bleeding edge of what's possible with technology in financial services.

2011 — 2022

Nothing groundbreaking here, it's just the usual really. I enjoyed drawing and painting as a kid, got a hold of a totally legal* copy of Photoshop, messed around a bit, realized people would pay me to make things for them, and then I did it for over a decade.

I put a soft cap to my tenure as a freelancer back in 2022 though so that I could focus on larger projects that gave me far more fulfilment.

2020 — 2022
Petaling Jaya

By the time Vandure started to run, I could code fairly well so I led the development of an application in Laravel/React.js, successfully delivering it to users. Crafted actionable direction for the team using data and analytics to derive insights. Ran the usual team coordination stuff by conducting stand-ups and facilitating clear communication to ensure appropriate adherence to Agile methodologies.

2019 — 2022
Petaling Jaya

Started as a solo designer, ended up as the head of design, where a range of brands fell under my purview -- Pokok.KL, and KEDAI being two of the more notable -- along with the facilitation of the marketing activities of the group as a whole. Established early brand guidelines to ensure a smooth transition into a quickly growing team. Built a very capable multidisciplinary team of designers, videographers, and writers. Also automated all the boring stuff in ways I'm still proud of today.

2018 — 2018

Led the establishment and growth of an in-house design team at a budding agency. Implemented industry-standard technologies and practices. Streamlined management processes through lots of automation. Collaborated with many clients, most notably Adidas, Fox, and BMW.

2017 — 2017
Kuala Lumpur

Contributed to the development of two mobile titles, Crab War and Light A Way, playing a larger role in the early-stage design of the latter. Led the development of Light A Way's soundscape, collaborating with sound engineers and composers. Also did lots of testing and reporting.


2013 — 2017
Bachelor of Game Development at KDU University College
Glenmarie, Shah Alam

I really wanted to make games. Ended up not working in the industry for long, but the impact of the transferrable knowledge has been immense on my work.

