Stephen Peasley

Stephen Peasley

Instructor, Developer, Learner. in Calgary, He/him


Instructor and developer passionate about pedagogy and the Jamstack. I aim to leave things better than how I found them. I am most passionate about human-focused work that makes the world a better place.



Spice up your Git pushes with a little six-note tribute to Salt-N-Pepa. Now push it good.


Tags your HTML’s body element with a class and data attribute reflecting today’s occasion or holiday.


Obfuscate learner details from the D2L Brightspace UI to reduce evaluation bias. [Chrome extension]


Add percentage tools to assessment grading in the Assignment Evaluation of the D2L Brightspace Learning Management System [Chrome extension]


Make external links in assessment submissions open in a new tab. [Chrome extension]

Side Projects


A free tool that allows Calgary homeowners to discover how much solar energy their homes could generate.

Work Experience

2023 — Now
Calgary, AB

Teaching web communications in the Interactive Design (IDD) program. Curriculum development, instruction, classroom management, mentorship, and the occasional meme.

2022 — Now
Calgary, AB

With over 20 years of industry experience, I can help bring your ideas to life. I have a strong focus on the front end, favouring Vue.js and am a firm believer in user-centered design. I have done work for a wide range of clients, from agency to safety to educational to entertainment. I am most passionate about crafting bespoke solutions to unique problems.

2022 — 2022
Calgary, AB

I taught in the New Media Production and Design program (NMPD). I enjoyed bridging my personal career experience with the content of the curriculum to teach web technologies to the next generation of our internet builders. There was nothing quite like seeing 30 faces glaze over simultaneously as I told an in-the-old-days story.

2020 — 2022
Calgary, AB

Field Safe Solutions provides safety software to connect workers, improve safety, optimize operations and lower costs.

I elevated Field Safe's UX maturity from absent to emergent. I was responsible for UX oversight, ensuring that user-centered approaches were the focus as the software was iterated upon. I mentored nascent developers and promoted a more inclusive company culture.

2020 — 2020
Calgary, AB

Jobeacon allows HR teams to extend a simple courtesy by allowing applicants to see the status of job postings.

I was the sole developer and designer on this project.

2018 — 2020
Calgary, AB

Evans Hunt is a strategic digital communications agency that specializes in creating meaningful connections between people and brands through technology and creativity.

I was part of the in-house development team and worked on a variety of client projects. These ranged from small businesses to a large, multi-resort ski/snowboard ecommerce website.

2017 — 2018
Software Developer at Jobula
Calgary, AB

Jobula enabled HR teams and recruiters to provide transparency during the hiring process by centralizing job-posting statuses.

On this tiny team, I handled all software development and design.

2015 — 2017
Software Developer at SIX Safety Systems
Calgary, AB

SIX Safety Systems delivered evidence-based solutions that addressed the dynamic challenges of reducing worker fit-for-duty risk associated with drugs, alcohol, and fatigue in the workplace.

I was responsible for UX and development of SIX's LUCI™ technology that monitored and analyzed driver-fatigue risk in real time. This included in-vehicle displays, admin dashboards and kiosk demonstrations.

2012 — 2015
Senior Developer & Co-founder at Uppercut
Calgary, AB

Uppercut was a Calgary-based digital agency that worked with clients as local as a dress shop and as global as the estate of Martin Luther King Jr.

As one of only two developers, I helped to establish processes, build our culture and grow our team. I wore many hats and worked on a variety of projects ranging from self-promotion initiatives to the website for the estate of Sir Alfred Hitchcock.

2008 — 2012
Front-end Web Developer at Veer
Calgary, AB

Veer was a vendor of high-quality stock photography, illustration, fonts and design-related merch.

After working on the in-house creative team for a couple of years, I became the lead front-end developer for marketing pages. I produced a wide variety of marketing pieces, from web content to screensavers to desktop widgets. I also worked on some significant projects for Corbis and Greenlight Rights.

2005 — 2008
Digital Media Designer at Saskatchewan Government Insurance
Regina, SK
2001 — 2004
Lead Multimedia Developer at Minds Eye Entertainment
Regina, SK
2000 — 2000
New Media Designer at SaskTel
Regina, SK
2004 — 2005

