At the intersection of dev and design. Passionate about building design systems and curious about all things Web3!
Work Experience
Building a CLI tool called create-permissionless-app, similar to create-next-app but for bootstrapping an app based on Account Abstraction using Pimlico's AA infra. It allows you to choose an account system, signer, bundler & paymaster of your own choice and then generates a super clean template!
The generated boilerplate uses Next.js, Typescript, Viem, Wagmi, Permissionless.js and other provider specific packages.
Project repo: github.com/SouravInsights…
Gallery is where you bring your collections to life for others to see and celebrate. It's where your collection serves as a beacon to connect with others and a destination for self-expression, discovery, & connection. Gallery is a crypto-based social network for sharing your taste based on the things you collect onchain. What's more exciting is the entire codebase is open-source allowing the community to contribute proactively to better the project.
- Redesigned the v1 client app from the ground up focusing on delivering a better onboarding experience for users.
- Took ownership of maintaining UI consistency across the entire product line by building our internal design system. Built components that are composable & easy to maintain.
- Collaborated with designers and participated in making UX decisions that made our onboarding experience much smoother.
- Took ownership of various decentralization efforts like integrating Ceramic into our stack & building subgraphs using Graph Protocol.
- Contributed to building APIs for our ongoing notification system using GraphQl, Prisma & Postgresql.
- Contributed to our internal package of React Hooks containing building blocks for working with wallets, ENS, contracts, transactions, signing, etc. using Ether.js
Side Projects
Headless CMS built on top of decentralized databases like Ceramic & Polybase.
Upgraded fresh NextJs deployment of Dot Org.
The app is built on top of Succinct's Telepathy protocol that shows all the cross-chain messages metadata that has been sent with Succinct like: sender & recipient, tx hash, the status of the message, gas paid, etc
The app is built on top of Sismo's smart contract that lets users connect their wallet & see all the ZK badges that they have minted with Sismo.