

Software Developer in New York

I'm a developer and creative artist with a passion for the net. I specialize in creating complex, easy to consume digital activations.

I love creative interactive experiences and browser games.

Work Experience

2017 — Now
New York

I work directly with the design and product teams to lead and implement thoughtful, user-centric decisions for the client side facing infrastructure within our event management platform.

Special focus on creating cutting edge hybrid activations, including machine learning projects for access control, object and facial recognition integrations, and utilizing AR for complex data visualization or immersive experiences.

Constantly exploring user focused UI/UX and making everyday activities more accessible.

2015 — 2017
Software Developer at TLC Marketing Worldwide
New York
2007 — 2010
Web Developer & Marketing Specialist at Broadway Panhandler
New York


New York

Exploring how comedians and artists utilize technology to bring their comedy to new levels.



All-in-one hybrid event management platform.


A fully responsive JavaScript based browser click game. Click on Yancey as many times as you can to gain points within the given time limit.


Users provided a photo, then using Volumetric Regression Network (VRN) for 3D face reconstruction the photo was used to produce a e 3D .obj, was then converted to a .glb for web view or sharing on social (FaceBook, Twitter). Created using PHP, three.js, JavaScript, and Direct Volumetric CNN Regression.


Standalone website and iPad app built exclusively for the Donald Trump Presidential Twitter Library. Created with Meteor and MongoDB, includes full AWS, YouTube, and Twitter integration.

Best Sport Bracket at Funny or Die

A fully responsive interactive brakcet where we narrowed down THE best sport.

