Coding since age 9, Self-taught concert pianist / endorsed Bösendorfer Artist. Ex-Google engineer, lived on a sailboat for 3 years, rode an EX-500 solo across the US, built a decentralized network that ended up keeping comms up in warzones, likes fun shenanigans
When my previous open source project, Snowflake (see below), began to see greatly increased usage during the Ukraine war and other conflicts, I knew it was time to evolve the project.
While being merely a prototype, Snowflake was an effective method to circumvent internet censorship. But a new version was required.
I founded the company Snowstorm Inc. to re-architect and re-imagine the infrastructure; to defend the future of our global internet. I have raised ~$3.5M to date. We have totally new upgraded protocols and systems incoming.
I am a self-taught concert pianist. See below for more information.
The censorship circumvention network.
Users help each other connect to the internet using temporary WebRTC micro-proxies.
I created this system many years ago, and with the help of many colleagues, integrated it into Tor as a pluggable transport, where it has since had an impact on internet freedom despite being merely a prototype.
For my Bösendorfer debut, I preformed at the Vienna Konzerthaus: Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No. 2 and the Scriabin Piano Concerto, with EEG + Brainwave visualizations, with TDJ orchestra and conductor Andrej Vesel.
I performed solo piano in many cities across the USA.
My debut performance of Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No. 3
Composition on Kanye West Opera "Mary"
The only Bösendorfer Artist who did not attend music school.
Work Experience
First engineer of Google Ideas