Serena Gilani
Software Engineer in New York City, she/her
Work Experience
Gathered plugins data from codebase using API extractor and created a panel using React and MUI to surface all plugins in Studies Codex application.
Improved visibility of available Studies platform functionality to study developers for researchers in CTRL labs.
Programming in Java I: Led section 1x per week of 25 students for UW’s Programming in Java I that introduces concepts including procedural programming, basic control structures, file processing, arrays, and object-oriented programming.
Programming in Java II: Led section 2x per week of 25 students for UW’s Programming in Java II that covers fundamental programming concepts including collections, stacks and queues, linked lists, binary trees, recursion, inheritance, and encapsulation.
Mentored students at the Introductory Programming Lab by debugging assignments and answering conceptual questions.
Graded weekly assignments, providing detailed feedback, and exams.
Motivated Instagram creators to monetize their reels by building user-customized monetization promotional dialogs using Objective-C and Python.
Conducted A/B testing on promotional dialogs and analyzed experiment data to determine the most effective promotional dialog design.
Implemented functionality for copying and pasting of zones on dashboards for Tableau Server using C# and JavaScript.
Designed and implemented multiple entry-points for copying and pasting, including dashboard and menu options and keyboard shortcuts.
Collaborated with team members to extend copying and pasting to Tableau Desktop and enable copying between workbooks on any Tableau product.
Managed a group of 11 TA’s and led weekly staff meetings that introduced novel teaching strategies.
Maintained consistent grading standards by auditing grading for over 100 students weekly.
Liaised with professor to prepare content for sections and staff meetings.
Led workshops, presentations, and discussions to provide ~8,000 first-year students with information and perspective about student life on campus.
Personally assisted ~400 students throughout the summer by connecting them to campus resources and providing individualized advice.
Served as Girl Scout Troop Leader for a 7th grade STEM-focused troop.
Planned and facilitated CS-related activities to encourage exploration into computer science and build confidence for students' further engagement in tech.
Graduated Cum Laude and with Interdisciplinary Honors