Sahil Kumar Nanda

Sahil Kumar Nanda

Frontend Engineer in Cuttack, He/Him

Looking for a remote Front-end Engineering opportunity!

A year ago


I love building reusable UI components in React that are composable, scalable & performant. Have good experience with (Yarn, NPM), testing frameworks (React Testing Library), linting tools (ESLint, Prettier), and version control (Git).

Previously worked on DIVA Protocol and exploring Decentralized Finance (DeFi), Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) & all things Web3.

Looking for opportunities in Front-end Engineering to bring my skills to the table.



DIVA Donate is a decentralized donation platform built on the DIVA Protocol to create and settle real-life linked financial derivative assets.


DIVA Protocol is a smart contract that acts as an operating system for derivative applications. More precisely, it allows its users to create and settle derivative products in a permissionless and trustless way.

My focus was on refining the DIVA App and improving the onboarding experience & user flow making it seamless for users to create, trade, and settle derivative assets through our UI.

Work Experience

2022 — 2023

Redesigned the Diva Website and Diva Donate App from the ground up focusing on delivering a better onboarding experience for users.

Used Next.js, TailwindCSS, Typescript, Graphql for most of the application. Created custom UI components for our internal design system.

Worked with a product designer & other frontend engineers for collaborating on the design aspects. We rely heavily on Figma for design collaboration so have some experience designing interfaces with Figma.

2019 — 2020
  • Built reusable components such as a Date Picker, Time Picker, Meeting Form, and Meeting List using React and Next.js.

  • Managed state using React hooks (useState, use effect) and Context API for efficient state management.

  • Integrated Axios for making API requests to handle CRUD operations on meeting data.

  • Applied CSS modules for component-specific styling and utilized Flex-box / Grid for responsive layout.

  • Implemented error handling for API requests and form validations to enhance user experience.

  • Participated in Agile practices including daily stand-ups, sprint planning, and retrospectives.



2019 — 2020
Internship Certificate from Invincix

