Sagar Prabhu

Sagar Prabhu

Product Designer in Udupi, Karnataka, India, he/him/his

I'm looking for opportunities as a Product Designer.

2 years ago


I'm a product designer based in Udupi, Karnataka, who formerly worked at AthrV-Ed, an early-stage ed-tech startup.



In this case study, I'll give a brief look at the thought process that went into tackling the challenge of finding travel companions for travellers.


In this article, I'll take you through a few of the bigger projects I handled while working at AthrV-Ed, including designing websites and internal platforms and tools.


Here is an overview of how we completely redesigned the AREEV 2022 website for a two-day international conference. Along with our design choices, we will also discuss our redesigning approach.


In this case study, we will share our detailed experiences of attending our first-ever design hackathon, as well as the process of building an iOS app as our hackathon problem statement.

Work Experience

2021 — 2022