Avo is the story of an avocado, brought to life by a brilliant young inventor, Billie. The experience sits somewhere between games and television – an interactive journey where you play as a 3D-scanned avocado in live-action world.
I was a creative on the team at Playdeo that made and released Avo in 2019 on the App Store – described by Apple as “Groundbreaking ‘playable TV".
Dan Hill wrote a great series of articles on Medium called, Avo, Bandersnatch, and The New Grammar of Television (and Games).
We also created a film about how Avo was made, exploring the making and thinking (and of course love!) that went into what we made.
Playdeo Team
Nick Ludlam, Ruby Bell, Geraldo Nascimento, Jonathan Topf, Peter Martingell, Jamie Swanson, David Evans, Jack Schulze, Timo Arnall, Sophie Knowles. Music by Graham Hadfield.