I’m a software engineer and a technology leader with over 20 years of experience in building and delivering technology products at global organisations of varying sizes.
I thrive on tackling challenging business/technology problems at scale. I specialise in designing, building and running resilient, scalable, secure, sustainable services.
Work Experience
Built event tracking data pipeline, application services build and deployment platform on AWS/EKS, client-facing GraphQL API, scalable search and front-end content serving service based on Algolia, flexible entitlement system for retail and partner integration, transformed content management system from legacy to modern custom backends.
Built event tracking data pipeline, and the initial version of iflix's personalised content recommendation engine. Led the SRE team. Managed major incidents. Took ownership of the main GraphQL API and identity services. Built and migrated iflix's retail billing system from a third-party to an in-house system. Built most of the integration of iflix with WeTV (Tencent Video).
Part of the team that migrated tutsplus.com from WordPress to a custom service. Led various devops initiatives within the team. The team later built the initial version of Envato Elements.
Built various web and backend services.
Built the main website and various integrations with third-party APIs.
Built a social road traffic monitoring service.
Built a material quantity suerveying application for use in the New Zealand home builder industry.
Built an email marketing web-based product.
Built various applications for clients in the general insurance industry.