Rob Morieson

Rob Morieson

Frontend Developer in Melbourne, Australia, he/him


Hi, I'm Rob Morieson, a web developer based in Melbourne, Australia. I'm passionate about building online experiences that are engaging, accessible, and optimised for performance.

With over 10 years of development experience, my skill set has a broad range: from the foundational frontend building blocks of HTML, CSS and JavaScript through to a variety of frameworks across the stack, testing, CI/CD, and agile delivery methods.

Years of design agency experience has also equipped me with knowledge of the UX and UI process. These expertise ensure that what I build is not only technically robust, but also visually appealing across devices. Additionally, I have the ability to incorporate animations and micro-interactions to further enhance the user experience when appropriate.

Alongside the development process, I enjoy writing documentation and have experience in teaching, mentoring, and team building.

Work Experience

2022 — 2024

Handling the frontend space at Calibre—a performance monitoring platform—offered invaluable insights into the inner workings of a bootstrapped SaaS and allowed for close collaboration with backend, product design and founders alike.

Primarily assisting with a steady rollout of new features, my time at Calibre also included the following unique opportunities:

  • Documenting new frontend features on the Calibre changelog, including build out of the changelog itself using Markdoc

  • Leveraging data visualisation and charting libraries (D3, Recharts) to interpret and present customer performance data

  • Providing ongoing maintenance and improvements to Calibre's open source React Live Chat Loader project

  • Maintaining a component library (Storybook) to align with a Figma-based design system, covered by visual diff tests (Chromatic)

Key technologies: React, Next.js, Apollo GraphQL, Storybook, RSpec, Vite, Node.js

2021 — 2022
Melbourne, Australia

Joining Myer as a frontend developer amidst the COVID-19 pandemic provided a unique set of challenges and opportunities. With the sudden surge in online shopping, there was an urgent need for swift responses. Leveraging my expertise in core HTML, CSS, and "vanilla" JavaScript, along with A/B testing tools like Google Optimize and Dynamic Yield, I was able to rapidly implement new features for validation before they got pulled into the standard delivery cycle.

Additional key contributions while on the development team at Myer:

  • Ownership of internal frontend documentation, reducing errors and improving the overall developer experience

  • Onboarding and mentoring new team members

  • Contributing to skill-sharing sessions, exploring new technologies, and discussing best practices with the frontend team

  • Collaborating across the board as a developer advocate with the goal of increasing efficiency and improving output quality

Key technologies: React, Next.js, Redux, Jest, Jenkins, MUI

2019 — 2020
Melbourne, Australia

Alongside leading and mentoring a small team of developers, the role also involved contributing to proposals, drafting estimates, documenting tech stack approaches, collaboration across departments and client liaisons.

Key technologies: React, Gatsby, GraphQL,, Meteor, Prismic, Framer Motion

2014 — 2019
Melbourne, Australia

Collaborating with UI, UX and design strategy teams to provide engaging online solutions for a diverse range of clients.

2013 — 2014
Melbourne, Australia

Lecturing the 'Interactive Design for Web Technologies' and 'Experience Design and Usability for the Web' subjects at Swinburne University in a workshop setting, along with one-on-one student tutoring, lesson planning and assessment grading.

2009 — 2013
Frontend Developer at Square Circle Triangle
Melbourne, Australia

My first foray into agency life allowed for expansion of my skills over four years, working on a variety of client projects, each with unique technical requirements.