

Software Engineer in Jakarta, he/him

doing dreamy things

A month ago


Jack of all trades with 8+ years of experience in software development & sysadmin since forever — master of none, always learning.

Sometimes writing things & stuff, and some people seem to like it.





flo is an open source Navidrome client written in Swift.

Work Experience

2022 — 2024
Jakarta, Indonesia

Delman is a data management startup based in Jakarta. I help manage Delman infrastructure from development to production environments. I mostly work with cloud platforms, cloud networking, VPNs, container clusters, CI/CDs, and all things infrastructure.

Tech stacks: React, Next.js, Jest, React Testing Library, Cypress, Kubernetes, Docker, Flask, Traefik, Postgres, Git.

2020 — 2022
Jakarta, Indonesia

Delman is a data management startup based in Jakarta. I develop the front-end of core products primarily working with tables, chart, button, input components as well as the dashboard as a whole.

Tech stacks: React, Next.js, Jest, React Testing Library, Cypress, Docker, Flask, Traefik, Postgres, Git.

2018 — 2018
Jakarta, Indonesia

Tarsius Research is a R&D startup built by engineers from cloud providers & video platform companies to empower digital learning before teleconference is a thing in Indonesia

Tech stacks: Janus, coturn, Nginx, Nuxt.js, GraphQL, Apollo Client (Vue), Tus

2017 — 2018
Bandung, Indonesia

KelasKita is an education technology startup based in Bandung. I develop the front-end of core products (a learning platform), building a SDK, and help building extensions for enterprise customers.

Tech stacks: Vue, Nuxt.js, Handlebars, Django, Postgres, Nginx, SCSS, Git.

2016 — 2018
Remote, Global

I used to be a freelance fullstack developer mostly working with Ruby On Rails, Laravel, and Wordpress websites.


2019 — Now

evilfactorylabs exists to trying bridging the skills gap in IT industry in Indonesia.

2018 — 2020

WWWID is a modern web developer community with a mission to build a modern web with a focus on providing great user experience using new technology and Web APIs that continues to grow through content development, online discussion, and offline meetup.