In need of a Motion Designer? Let's talk!
Motion Designer working at Noeste IJver. Also very into comics, film and other things.
My very first Showreel! Consisting of work I did for Noeste IJver, freelance jobs and personal projects.
Bakken & Bæck asked me to animate several of their diagram designs for Carbo Culture. Carbo Culture has the aim to remove 1 billion tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, decarbonising energy and soil inputs in the proces.
After years of fiddling around in WordPress, I decided to rebuild my website from the ground up in Framer. Now I finally have a space online to showcase some of my work and share a bit more about myself and my interests.
Side Projects
New year, new me. An animation I made in the first week of January. Sometimes we enter a new year full of hope and immediately get setbacks thrown our way. This is a fun animation to showcase that.
European tech and design agency Bakken & Bæck have delivered the brand identity and website for climate tech company Carbo Culture.
Work Experience
Started there as a graphic designer and have been doing animation work as well from 2019 and onwards.
After my second internship at Ontwerp van morgen, I started working here for 2 days a week. The other 3 days I worked at Ontwerp van morgen.
Started working here as a junior graphic designer after my internship there. I worked here 3 days in the week. The company eventually merged with others to form Noeste IJver.
I had my second internship here and started working here after my graduation.
I had my first internship here.
A 4-year study in which I graduated in the masterclass.
When I graduated high school I was 16 and too young to join the military (you need to be 17 at least). This 1 year education is meant to bridge that year.