Recep Urkun

Recep Urkun

Computer Engineering Student in Balikesir/Turkey


I am a final year Computer Engineering student at Balıkesir University. My interest in computers started at a young age and grew stronger throughout high school, leading me to pursue this field. I find fulfillment in seeing tangible results from my efforts, which is why I am passionate about web development. Currently, I am focused on learning React to further my skills in this area.



During my internship, I managed side effects and data fetching processes using Redux-Saga. I visualized data with chart libraries and developed test processes with Cypress. For my final project, I built a product management panel, designing the UI/CSS with Tailwind and shadcn. I handled data management with Redux-Saga and data storage with Firebase. The panel allows for adding, deleting, filtering, and viewing products within Firebase.

Github Repo


The NextJS project I developed within the scope of Turkcell Gençlere Yatırım Geleceğe Yazılım 3.0 Frontend Bootcamp.

The ShopCO E-Commerce project is a comprehensive online shopping platform developed as part of the Turkcell 3.0 Geleceğe Yazanlar Bootcamp Final Assignment. The project adheres to a detailed design provided in a Figma file and encompasses several key features, including user management, product catalog, shopping cart, reviews and ratings, and responsive design. The project leverages modern web technologies and tools to create a functional and aesthetically pleasing e-commerce website.

Key Features

  • User Management: User registration and login functionality is implemented using Firebase for authentication.

  • Product Catalog: Products are categorized, and users can browse through various categories.

  • Shopping Cart: A user-friendly shopping cart management system.

  • Reviews and Ratings: Users can leave reviews and rate products.

  • Responsive Design: The interface is optimized for both mobile and desktop devices.

  • Internationalization (i18n): The project supports multiple languages using `next-intl`.

  • Dark Theme: The website supports both light and dark themes.

  • Sorting and Filtering: Products can be sorted and filtered based on different criteria.

  • Server-Side Rendering (SSR): Implemented for product detail, home page, and category page to enhance performance and SEO.

    Github Repo


I developed a simple blog application with Next.js for the "Turkcell Gençlere Yatırım Geleceğe Yazılım 3.0 Frontend Bootcamp" . I implemented a pagination system to display a certain number of blog posts on each page based on incoming data. Additionally, I created a page that opens the details of the clicked post. To handle errors, I created a custom Not Found page. I also showed a loading state to the user while the data is being loaded.

Github Repo


The javascript project I developed within the scope of Turkcell Gençlere Yatırım Geleceğe Yazılım 3.0 Frontend Bootcamp

Github Repo


The graduation project of the Advanced Level Software Academy Program organized by Üretken Academy and Bursa Metropolitan Municipality was developed using React.

Github Repo


A simple portfolio website I developed using my HTML and SCSS skills during the Turkcell 3.0 Bootcamp where I received training.

Github Repo

Side Projects


A simple movie app I developed using React as part of the Advanced Level Software Academy Program organized by Üretken Academy and Bursa Metropolitan Municipality.
Github Repo


The GitHub repository containing the projects I worked on during the Python Data Analysis, Image Processing, and Deep Learning Training within the Artificial Intelligence Program organized by the Southern Marmara Development Agency.

Work Experience

2024 — 2024

During my internship, I managed side effects and data fetching processes using Redux-Saga. I visualized data with chart libraries and developed test processes with Cypress. For my final project, I built a product management panel, designing the UI/CSS with Tailwind and shadcn. I handled data management with Redux-Saga and data storage with Firebase. The panel allows for adding, deleting, filtering, and viewing products within Firebase.

2019 — 2019
Internship in the IT Department at Bursa Modern Ambalaj

During my internship at Bursa Modern Packaging, I handled computer, internet, and office tasks in the IT department, providing technical support, improving internet infrastructure, setting up computer connections for production machinery, and offering technical assistance for office computers.


2021 — Now
Bachelor Degree at Balikesir University

I am a senior student at Balıkesir University Computer Engineering department and I will graduate in June 2024.

2018 — 2020
Associate Degree at Eskişehir Technical University

I successfully completed a 2-year program in computer programming at Eskişehir Technical University.


Gençlere Yatırım Geleceğe Yazılım 3.0 Front-end Programlama Eğitim Program Sertifikası from Turkcell

I successfully completed a frontend training program as one of 200 people selected out of 21,000 applicants. During this time, I had the opportunity to learn HTML5, CSS3, SCSS, JavaScript, React, and Next.js, and to develop projects using these technologies.

