Ricky Chen

Ricky Chen

Designer in Brooklyn, NY, He/him


I'm Ricky, an interface and visual designer. I build creation tools, design systems, and graphic identities that speak an innately human language.


2019 — Now
Bachelor of Design + Human-Computer Interaction at Carnegie Mellon University

Double major in Communications Design and Human-Computer Interaction

Work Experience

2023 — Now
Cupertino, CA

Driving launches and campaigns for world-class products.

I'm designing, prototyping, and shipping new digital + UX experiences and future-facing interaction models within the Interactive team at Apple. I work closely with design, art direction, copy, strategy, and engineering to drive world-class launches and marketing of various products through interactive stories, campaigns, and tools.

2021 — Now
Designer at Independent Freelance

Building my own creative studio practice.

I'm freelancing UX, strategy, website development, branding, and other graphic offerings with clients in publishing, fashion, music, education, and tech such as HommeGirls, 2MR Records, Brill Brill Studio, Polina Aronova, Spotlight Studio, and JADED AAPI Collective.

2022 — 2022
New York, NY

Reimagining the future of collaboration, productivity, and creation tools.

I led designs for various product features that involved technical UX, visual redesigns, and design system components under the Growth & Ecosystem teams. I also worked with senior designers, engineers, and PMs on product strategy, feature scoping, and high-quality implementation to ship several features such as the CSV importer, Pack Cards redesign, and Gallery design system.

2021 — 2022
Pittsburgh, PA

Collaborating on exciting projects with exciting clients

I worked closely with designer Elana Schlenker on various projects that range from brand + event identity, publication design, editorial research, campaigns, and interactive web design. Worked with a variety of client scales and types such as Facebook, A24, HBO’s Euphoria, and the Walker Art Center.

2021 — 2022
Pittsburgh, PA

Making entomology education and tooling accessible.

I co-led the interface designs, new product features, user research, and design systems for PocketMacros, the companion app to Macroinvertebrates.org, a National Science Foundation (NSF) funded project. I also collaborated closely with engineering to have an official app store launch and continued to ship more features after such as the Activities Learning Mode and Interactive ID Key.

2020 — 2021
Pittsburgh, PA

Investigating the impacts of remote-work on creative inquiry.

I researched, designed, and prototyped design artifacts and hybrid (digital & physical) tools to support makerspaces and project-based learning for various educational partners. I also led and published a paper as co-author for the 2021 Creativity and Cognition Conference (DOI: 10.1145/3450741.3465391).

Dean's List 2019–2022 from CMU Design
Worldstudio Graphic Design Scholarship from AIGA


Figma Design