Priyank Shah

Priyank Shah

Product Designer in India, he/him

On the hunt for exciting freelance gigs in web design, no-code wizardry, and product design!

A year ago


I’m Priyank, a product and web designer based in India. I specialize in mobile app design, along with building comprehensive design systems. At present, I am shaping pixels at DevRev.

Work Experience

2022 — Now
Bengaluru, India
2022 — Now

Getting the creative juices flowing in the side. Helping founders and business-owners build their vision with design and no-code.

2021 — 2022
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia · Remote

Helped designers become legendary through digital products (Design systems, Templates and Kits) and building a community that brought together designers from around the world.

Design and complete no-code build of with the team.

2021 — 2021
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia · Remote

• Designed for range of clients especially in the Australian-crypto industry.
• Performed rapid prototyping for demonstrating user flows.
• Converted down complex and lengthy application processes into simple and straight experience.
• Learned team collaboration on larger projects and effective time management in the day.

2021 — 2021
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia · Remote

• Articulated a Figma Design System based on the Atomic Design Methodology which has been sold to over 400+ students and with a 98% 5-star rating.
• Contributed on designing Designership website such as the Jobs page, Blogs, and community checkpoint page.

2021 — 2021
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia · Remote

• Led the design and organization of intra-team web-app framework with a multi-level component system.
• Pushed the limits of Figma in terms of asset organization and libraries.
• Collaboration with Lead and Senior Designer in managing asset libraries.

2021 — 2021
Product (UI/UX) Designer at Mizko Media
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia · Remote

• Turning ideas and vision into results-driven products through design.
• Responsible for understanding user personas, uncovering key insights & takeaways, forming user-flows, information architectures, wireframes, and high fidelity mockups.
• Creating interactive prototypes and enhanced UI for websites and mobile applications.
• Creating an intra-team 100% scalable design system for consistent use in a variety of projects.

2021 — 2021

• Worked closely with the project lead to deconstruct Information architecture (IA).
• Was responsible for creating wireframes and high-fidelity designs from site maps and user flows.
• Articulated intra-team style guide for consistent and documented design process.

2020 — 2021
Freelance UI/UX Designer at Freelance

Worked as an independent freelancer to shape digital products for clients.

