

Product designer in Charleston, SC

Side Projects


I designed and built a website for my wedding.

Work Experience

2022 — Now

I joined GreyNoise as part of an acquisition of my agency, Krit. At GreyNoise, I've focused mainly on product design and leading our design system, along with brand design and web design.

2014 — 2022
Charleston, SC

Cofounded the agency and led the design and engineering teams to design, build and deliver high quality custom web and mobile applications. I wore many hats over the years, focusing mostly on management, product and brand design, front-end development, creative direction, project management and planning, and managing client relationships across projects.

Krit acquired by GreyNoise Intelligence, one of our long-time clients, in 2022 as a means to acquire our team. I took a role as a senior product designer.
