Santai Enthusiast
A fad project, to train my laravel understanding again and consume API in laravel. I created WafTik | Tiktok music & video downloader without watermark for free.
Capstone project, is the final project of independent campus activities where I took the Android Dev learning path at the Dicoding partner.
Campus assignments free to make any project mobile app, I made Ndarusify for Anyone can read, listen to the ayat-ayat alquran digitally. And make notes Dalil
Campus assignments free to make any project, I made for people who want to wish cool birthday.
Pengembang Web Pratama Junior Web Developer
Get a certificate of appreciation after finding a vulnerability on the website
Get a certificate of appreciation after finding a vulnerability on the website
Getting a contribution certificate after reporting some vulnerabilities to tallyfy.
Here I talk about how IT Security with each area helps their applications to be more secure and realize the value of data in their applications.
Here I talk about how to write secure code, how hackers attack web applications, what might happen when code is not secure, and how to prevent it.
I got $150 reward after reporting vulnerability to private program
I got $500 reward after reporting HIGH vulnerability to private program
I got 125$ reward after reporting vulnerability to private program
100 EUR Bounty for reporting a vulnerability with HIGH severity on a site running on finance (Private program)
100 EUR as an appreciation for reporting a vulnerability with HIGH severity on a site running on finance
Report vulnerabilities with HIGH severity and get appreciation from cloud linux
Saya mendapatkan reward itu setelah melaporkan kerentanan IDOR pada situs
I earned $1000 after reporting the ssrf vulnerability pointing to the rce site redacted.tld.
Here is a how i found it :…
I got $100 after reporting token disclose vulnerability on redacted.tld site
I found some vulnerabilities then told a friend to report them and because the website is from my friend so I split the bounty.
I got this HOF after report some vulnerability on service.
After report vulnerability i got bounty from it program
Earned the 100$ Bounty after reporting vulnerabilities on the Redacted site
Earned the Hall Of Fame after reporting several vulnerabilities on the site
Earned the Wall Of Fame after reporting several vulnerabilities on the site
Earned the Hall Of Fame after reporting several vulnerabilities on the site
Earned the Wall Of Fame after reporting several vulnerabilities on the kodokoalamedia group site