Piermanuele Sberni

Piermanuele Sberni

Architecture Student in Sicily


As a tech enthusiast, I immersed myself in photography as a means of communication, delving into video editing and venturing into the realms of architecture and territorial regeneration.


2016 — Now
Architecture LM-4 at Università degli Studi di Catania
2018 — 2018

International Architecture Workshop: “Spazi Urbani e architettonici: un progetto per il lungomare di levante Elio Vittorini, Siracusa”, with prof. Uwe Schröder (RWTH di Aachen), Bruno Messina, Emanuele Fidone and Vito Martelliano (Università di Catania), SDS Architettura, Università degli Studi di Catania, Siracusa, Italia.

2011 — 2016
Liceo Scientifico, Scienze Applicate at Liceo Statale "G. Verga"

Work Experience

2015 — Now

• Direction and production of video projects for private brands and public institutions;
• Video editing for web, social networks, TV, and cinema products; • Technical coordination of video and photo sets for social media campaigns;
• Coverage of live events on social media, instant reportage, and live streaming direction;
• Instructor in training courses focused on photography and video for social media.

2022 — Now
Head of Comunication at Bosco Colto Campus

• Organization and Planning of Architecture Campuses, Workshops, Research, and Events;
• Production of photos and reportage videos;
• Communication Planning and Strategy;
• Web development and design;
• Production of graphic and video content for social media and offline;
• Web and advertising campaigns.

2022 — Now
Head of Media at Makramè APS

• Research in the field of architecture and landscape;
• Territorial and cultural regeneration;
• Promotion of cultural events and initiatives;
• Planning and strategic management of communication.

2021 — Now

• Production of audio podcasts for the web, brands, and institutions;
• Editing and mixing;
• Technical supervision in the recording studio.

2021 — 2022
Tutor at Università Degli Studi di Catania

Educational tutor for students enrolled in the course "Laboratorio di Progettazione Architettonica Urbana" (Urban Architectural Design Laboratory) under the supervision of Prof. Marco Navarra at the School of Architecture in Syracuse, University of Catania.

2021 — 2021

Architecture Internship at NOWA s.r.l. (Navarra Office Walking Architecture).
• Creation of concepts and 2D graphic elaborations for tenders, competitions, and private projects;
• Generation of 2D and 3D visualizations;
• 3D modeling of architectural projects in ArchiCAD, Rhinoceros;
• Architectural survey of buildings and project areas;
• Production of reports and presentation booklets for project proposals.

2014 — 2018
Co-Founder, Photographer - Video Editor at Iris Studio

• Photographer and Filmmaker specializing in wedding reportages; • Client relationship management and research;
• Videography of live events;
• Coordination of interdisciplinary teams in the field;
• Creation of multisensory rooms and scenographies using videomapping;
• Directing commercials, live events, and short films;
• Instructor in high schools and workshops on cinema and video production.

2012 — 2014

• Writing articles related to the world of technology;
• Collaboration with industry brands for the production of reviews and in-depth analyses;
• Creation of informative web video content;
• Live coverage of events.

2011 — 2012
Founder, Senior News Editor at MacOSBlog

Online magazine about tech news.


"Cauterizzazione" at Bosco Colto Campus - Makramè

Exhibition Project, with Sofia Privitera. Photos by Peppe Maisto.



Awarded in Neutral Density Photography Awards 2023 with
honorable mention in people: street photography category.

Finalist at Kaira Looro Architecture Competition: Women's House from Balouo Salo

Finalist Team of Kaira Looro Architecture Competition 2021’s Edition - by Humanitarian Organization Balouo Salo - for a Women House in Africa.

Project by Piermanuele Sberni, Alice René Di Rocco, Simone Galatà, Luca Trovato. TEAM ELERNIALY7348.

Photo - SOLO Annual 2023 on Psicografici Editore

The volumes of the SOLO series stem from the idea of wanting to give space, value, and concreteness to the talent of artists from different backgrounds: illustrators, photographers, tattoo artists; but also collage artists, street artists, and designers. Volumes that narrate different forms of art, letting the talent of those who conceived them speak for itself.


Selected to be Unsplash's Photo of the Day and website cover on August 21st

Cover Photo - The New Wines of Mount Etna on Gemelli Press, Benjamin North Spencer

Making wine on Europe's largest active volcano doesn't come easy. Frequent changes in topography, elevation, and weather influence each vintage and every winemaker has an interpretation of the evolving volcanic landscape. This is part of what makes Etna so exciting. The wines are as inviting as the terrain. For millennia the mountain served as a backdrop in the development of Europe. Today, the UNESCO Heritage Site is a destination for the world. American wine expert Benjamin Spencer goes beyond the vines to explore the history and rebirth of the region that has everyone talking about Sicily.


Publication of the Project "Women's House for Baghere" (P.Sberni, A. Di Rocco, S. Galatà, L. Trovato), finalist of the Kaira Loro Architecture Competition "Women's House in Africa" 2021.

"This book explores the edition 2021 of the Kaira Looro Architecture Competition for a Women’s House in rural context Africa. This is a Non Profit Competition with the aims of raising awareness in the international community regarding the topics of gender equality and human rights; sensitizing promising young talents in the international architectural landscape about the responsibilities that designers have in society; providing an opportunity for professional growth; supporting charity projects of Humanitarian Organization Balouo Salo who organizes the event."


The volumes of the SOLO series stem from the idea of wanting to give space, value, and concreteness to the talent of artists from different backgrounds: illustrators, photographers, tattoo artists; but also collage artists, street artists, and designers. Volumes that narrate different forms of art, letting the talent of those who conceived them speak for itself.


SOLO Fotografia Italia 2 is the second volume of the series dedicated to emerging photographers in the Italian scene.

A diverse collection that embraces different perspectives and artistic sensibilities through lights, shadows, perspectives, and colors. SOLO's mission is to make accessible works that are primarily shared on social media, a space where everything flows and it's too easy to get lost.


This magazine is a collection of photographers sharing their minimalist stories. Each photographer has explored a different area of minimalism so each photograph is completely unique. I've been published here with my "dualism" photo. More info on my website.

Cinque progetti per il lungomare di Levante on LetteraVentidue

Publication of the project "Cretto" and photographer of the book "Cinque progetti per il lungomare di Levante - Workshop di Progettazione architettonica 24 Novembre - 1 Dicembre 2018, Siracusa" written by Domenico Cristofalo and Nicola Carofiglio. Published by LetteraVentidue.

"This volume shows the results of the architectural design workshop “Cinque Progetti per il Lungomare di Levante” held by prof. Uwe Schröder (Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule, RWTH Aachen University) in the classes of professors Emanuele Fidone, Vito Martelliano and Bruno Messina at Università degli Studi di Catania, SDS Siracusa - DICAR. It presents a method of understanding and representing the spatiality of the city as prerequisite to urban design. The five projects confront themselves with the area of Ortygia north-eastern seaside, interpreting the relationships between the inner spaces of the town and the outer open spaces of the sea."

NPhotography Magazine cover photo on Sprea Editori

Internal cover photo of the monthly issue No. 35 of N Photography magazine.


2013 — 2020
Creative at CGS Life APS

• Implementation of lighting and videomapping projects for theatrical and musical performances;
• Direction, Filming, and Editing of Short Films and Medium-length Films;
• Author and Screenwriter for Short Films;
• Instructor for cinema courses and workshops;
• Creation of web content;
• Web Developer and Designer.


Cinematography for FIlmmakers Masterclass from Plasma Film
UK Drone License A1-A3 from UK Civil Aviation Authority
EU Drone License A1-A3 from EASA - European Union Aviation Safety Agency
Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET) from University of Cambridge

