Ozan Karaali

Ozan Karaali

Computer Engineer in Denizli / Turkey, He/him


This resume is outdated. Please check my website.


2020 — Now
Munich, Germany

Related Coursework:
Basic Mathematical Methods for Imaging and Visualization, Introduction to Deep Learning, Distributed Systems

2016 — 2020
Kayseri, Turkey

Graduated with 3.68 GPA.
Related Coursework:
Computer Organization, Parallel Architectures, Computer Vision, Algorithm Analysis, Operating Systems, System Programming, Embedded Systems, Digital Design, Formal Languages and Automata Theory, Computer Networks, Linux for Engineers, Software Engineering, Database Management Systems, Data Structures & Algorithms, Mobile Programming

Work Experience

2019 — 2020
Ankara, Turkey

Learnt basics of a neural network, trained models to classify images using Caffe in a Docker environment using multiple GPUs. Processed video frames using Gstreamer filter which developed by myself with a Python script of OpenCV bridged via Boost::Python and polished the GUI application as a continuation of my summer internship.

2019 — 2019
Istanbul, Turkey

Developed IOS applications using Swift and RxSwift with Adesso's Mobile Bootcamp program.
Learnt the differences between Android's development environment (prior knowledge from Mobile Applications course) and iOS's environment, such as Storyboard, UI, Pods, CoreData, Alamofire etc. and wrote simple unit tests of the application.
Get to know Reactive programming paradigm using RxSwift to propagate data inside the application by transferring MVC app written by myself to the MVVM architecture.

2019 — 2019
Ankara, Turkey

Developed a GUI application to be used for video/image processing purposes using Python/QT, also started to learn how video processing works frame by frame using GStreamer and OpenCV.

2018 — 2018
Ankara, Turkey

Developed an internal tool as a web application about analysis of traffic data collected from Bluetooth using Flask, Pandas with Python and React. Learnt basics of web development, frontend design, REST architecture and backend and some basic data science algorithms and their applications.

More information of the project that I worked on can be found at: issd.com.tr/en/22988



Parcel tracking application written in React Native and Flask Backend. As of today (9 February 2021) serves monthly ~1.5K users with daily ~2K requests with in total 10K+ downloads.


Heuristic algorithm design project to find a better solution for Wi-Fi channels.
• Have modelled 2.4 GHz wireless environments using NS3 network simulator.
• Planned to implement heuristic algorithm to simulate in event-driven simulation and gather benchmark.
• Done in a collaboration between AGU, TUHH, AAU, AirTies.

Side Projects


A proof of concept Recaptcha solver using YOLOv3 on Tensorflow 2.0 and Selenium. This tutorial shows that with a better trained object detection weight file, ReCaptcha can be easily solved.


A highly concurrent and parallel programming language
• Planned to have Erlang-like threading model.
• Will make use of asynchronous interfaces in the kernel to achieve high levels of concurrency.
• Will be able to leverage multiple CPU threads for high processor utilization.
• Developed a single-threaded, working version of the project.
Project had been put on hold due to cancellation of second part at capstone project course, still developing time-to-time.


16kB (gzipped) React chart library with SVG.

