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Senior Backend Engineer
Full time
Healthcare benefits
Paid parental leave
Unlimited PTO
Employee equity
Competitive salary
Posted by
Logan Pugh

About Us

Alembic applies cutting-edge algorithms and composite AI solutions to provide a new approach for marketing data analytics. Unlike tools that only provide correlation, only Alembic provides true causation, giving organizations across sector and industry the ability to quantify the value of every marketing activity and maximize future marketing investments. We’re backed by leading tech luminaries and innovators including WndrCo, founded by DreamWorks founder Jeffrey Katzenberg, Jensen Huang, Joe Montana, and many more.

Our journey began when a team of multi-exit startup leaders and friends came together to build cutting edge tech to tap into a generational market opportunity. We share early experience at companies that include Google, LinkedIn, Twitter, Apple, WP Engine, and Qualcomm. We're growing our team at scale in 2024.

About the Role - Senior Backend Engineer

We're hiring an experienced Senior Backend Engineer to join our high-performing team. You'll lead the charge in designing, deploying, and managing scalable server-side applications using JavaScript and NodeJS.

A strong foundation in these technologies will set you up for success:

Primary Skills

  • JavaScript and NodeJS: Proficiency in building and maintaining server-side applications.

  • Linux: Strong understanding of Linux operating systems for deploying and managing applications.

  • Postgres: Expertise in designing, optimizing, and maintaining databases using PostgreSQL or other SQL like databases.

  • AWS: Experience deploying and managing applications on AWS.

Secondary Skills:

  • ORM Technologies: Knowledge of Sequelize ORM for database management.

  • Queue Management Systems: Experience with Bull, Celery, or similar message queue systems for managing asynchronous task queues.

  • Python: Competence in Python programming, beneficial for scripting and backend logic.

  • Streaming and Messaging: Understanding of Kafka for handling real-time data streams.

  • Containerization and Virtualization: Proficiency in Docker and experience with container management and deployment.