will work for a pair of GENTLE MONSTER Ytt 02's
can be found 🛼 rollerblading to my 🧗 bouldering gym around 🏛 UCL. CV casual because ive worked in recruitment; u will unfortunately have to scroll down a bit to get to the serious projects. i love my degree, my university, and the city. i love very smart people and whiteboards. i love problems that stump.
im super into:
stupidly efficient code. (but whats the point anymore)
security is fun. (but whats the point anymore)
money is fake. (but whats the point anymore)
being so healthy and living forever. (but whats the point anymore)
3+ monitors. (not means to an end, they are the end)
Side Projects
Put tqdm on your menu bar.
A drop-in replacement for tqdm progress bars. Simply displays them on your menu bar so you can watch a youtube video while your model trains.
pip install mtqdm
TfL operates like a thousand CCTV cameras. These are public! There's about 7 of them on the 1km route from my house to UCL. Triggered by a location-based shortcut on my iPhone, videos are clipped and stitched into a movie that tracks me skating around on London roads :)
Developing 'Thank God', an open-source Mac app that enhances audio by applying noise cancellation and voice boosting. Improve the clarity of any audio played on their Mac, in real-time, making it ideal for educational videos, movies, or any situation where background noise is disruptive.
Uhhh figuring out how to host my own email for after skiff.com shuts down. Want to recreate their maskmy.id quick aliases feature. Going to buy & host it on pleasedonttalkto.me (nope: bought poopy.email instead lol). Sell it for $5/month?
on Instagram you can see that a reel was 'watched by @friend23' — thoroughly useless feature.
but, if this was on YouTube, my friends watching/liking a video is a much bigger deal: it can impact which videos I watch.
plus, it's just a nice, cute, delightful feature.
Having fun learning to build my own version of Redis in TypeScript, and Haskell.
- Implemented RESP (Redis Serialisation Protocol).
- ...
oh my god quaternions are hard (not rlly)
wrote code to convert noisy data from telemetry & sensors into an accurate simulation of the rocket's trajectory
since highschool was online, mathcha.io was a godsend; all my assignments were gorgeously typeset with sleek graphics. i missed one feature tho: automatic evaluation. it was kinda annoying to type out an expression, then type it into my calculator again, then type the answer. i wanted to simply select the expression and have mathcha evaluate it for me. so i asked the Nha (creator of mathcha.io) if i could help build out this feature. Nha is an absolutely amazing person who took time out and gave detailed responses to all my questions! im sure Nha didn't know but I was 15/16 at the time, and this was incredibly encouraging.
update: yeah apple just came out with math notes lol. wonder where they got the idea...
Quality-checking w LLMs incl. reconciling information across multiple documents, ensuring there's no fishy business, and all submitted docs satisfy policies.
A comprehensive hiring suite. Use it to streamline your entire recruitment process: from application tracking, new-hire onboarding, and induction training - all automatically. iona.ai lets you hire swiftly at scale. I built it.
A simple tool that lets you find your address and mark your roof's outline on a map and get relevant solar cost calculations. Insanely streamlined and clean multi-branding setup, everything pre-rendered, zero hosting costs. Built with SvelteKit.
The British Red Cross (BRC) has over 600 Google Business locations across the UK. Often the data displayed on Google Maps (like 'opening hours') is inconsistent or outdated. This discrepancy can lead to confusion and inconvenience for people seeking assistance, especially in urgent situations. Our project aimed to create a centralised system to manage all BRC properties, enabling administrators to identify and rectify any discrepancies.
[OPEN TO SELLING — email me] Using fine-tuned LLMs to conduct remote skill assessments at scale — starting with the SFIA (Skills Framework for the Information Age) skills framework.
Sophisticated OCR engine, fine-tuned for personal documents (National IDs, Degrees, CVs, etc.). Automated classification, labelled field extraction, validation, and even cross-referencing across a set of documents. Processing 20K+ documents per month. Better than AWS, GCP, Azure, etc. for Indian documents. Cheaper, more accurate, open-source tooling, hella fallbacks, safer.
Work Experience
building chakra.computer (currently paused)
and reconciliation automation with Garud 🦅
if you've ever been inconsistent.. i will know.
Backstory: Existing tech team had to leave abruptly. Joined, swiftly conducted knowledge transfer to myself. Delegated work to new tech team. Stabilised critical existing projects.
Then: Lead development on new projects. Learnt + Introduced more advanced stuff, AI. Improved architecture, stack, etc. Designed and built Recruitment Automation products. Company broke-even. Chilling. Maximising our margins now.
kept a very close eye on gen AI developments
very very quickly integrated them
to design empathetic experiences and sell perfume
llms for customer support, user journey, diffusion models for label gen, ...
With so much to do in London, my calendar is usually packed. When my friends told me they're bored, I shared whatever I was up-to. Eventually, got the idea to make my calendar public and subscribe-able — and people loved it! Soon, people started showing up to whatever I was doing. Even for (actually they're all kinda) esoteric events, I put them on the calendar and instantly have people to go with! Plus, maintaining the calendar pushes me to keep a keen eye out for events around London. The calendar caters to me first. Then, people who are likely to like me. Then, university students in London.
A fun fortnightly newsletter where I share URLs that brought me joy.
Represented UCL. Defeated Cambridge, Imperial, and Kings'.
secretly attending
• architecture
• linguistics
• physics
lectures as well 🤫
All A*s in Physics, Math, Further Math, & EPQ (Artefact).
Proud member of 'Ultimate Secret Physics (& Math)' Club.
couple A*s, just read the books & sat exams.
idk i got into low-level assembly for mips we did for a course and instead of studying for the exam i wasted most my time trying to beat the TA's code in terms of instruction count efficiency. very enjoyable. felt like the quake III boys. i was also sure all the code actually had a lot more potential for improvement -- so got into rigorously proving that it was the best. not great at that yet tho.
gave myself all the grades