Just beginner on the field :)
Non-profit institution website.
Built with Astro + DecapCMS
A web application that allow users to book a bicycling tour at Borneo Island, Malaysia.
Built with Nextjs + Convex + DecapCMS
Easily visualize your JSON object in table form.
Saves table states.
Merges saved states.
Traverse through the nested objects.
Filter by individual column or group
Sorting entries (Asc or Desc)
Select which columns to view
Simple blogging site hosted with git and editable easily using DecapCMS. Built with Nextjs + ContentLayer + DecapCMS + Shadcn/ui + Tailwind.
An insurance-claim management application.
a web application that is used to manage inventory and
procurement details with multi-user decision making and
passwordless login
Side Projects
Rendering scraped tweets from Apify.
** Created for embedding in sites like Wix | Wordpress who charged monthly subscription just for petty feature.
Minimalist Expressjs server use to obtain Authorization Code and Long term access code (60 days).
a web application with a progressive adding features
including tasks management, shortcut storage, code
snippets, finance records. Built with Fresh and Deno.
Used for manipulating JSON's property in bulk
a web app created for university to help generate dynamic schedules for students and course completion histories.
an ethereum-based contract that allows companies and
individuals to store their product's information and id on
the ethereum block for the public. Implemented with
Brownie framework, Vyper, Infura, Ganache, and Django.
a prototype of esp32 used to ease traffic congestion by
automatically cutting empty waiting lane's green light
time. Built with micropython, mqtt, and esp32.
My Tracker is an time tracking application with the cloud storage capability. Users can sign up and login with any web browsing devices and track their own productivity related to any category that they added.
VLS is an assistant app for the organization administrators to keep track of the vehicle within their organization. VLS gives organization the ability to keep track of the legal information such as the Tax, Insurance, and other information as well. More than that, Administrators can posts their announcement or check the request notification from the other members within the organization as well.
Work Experience
- Works as a member of an agile feature team in
designing, coding, and testing new features of a
transport-management-system (TMS) cloud
platform. - Develops solutions for technically challenging
logistics requirements. - Refactors existing code base to strive for technical
- Develops a web application that allow guests to answer the form dynamically and project managers to review and score the form.
- Manages MDM controls over hundreds of tablet
- Maintained and improved university's website
- Offered technical support to faculty, staff, and
students on computer and software's related issues - Helped developing and implementing e-learning
solutions for the university during the COVID-19
pandemic - Created tools and applications to support
university's operations
- Maintains existing wordpress platform
- Manages global pages, posts, and plugins
- Ensures functionalities of WordPress plugins and
trouble-shoots upgrade conflicts. - Explores a different approach toward plugin-related
issues and business logic - Develops an standalone solution with customized
form with Nextjs and Firebase
Relevant Coursework: General Bio I && II, Community Gardening, Calculus I & II, and General Physic.
Relevant Coursework: System Analysis and Design,
Object Oriented Programming, Data Structures and
Algorithm, Database Administration and Application,
Ethics, Calculus I, Calculus II, Statistics with R,
Artificial Intelligence
Learned how to write back end apps with Node.js and npm. Built web applications with the Express framework with MongoDB and the Mongoose library.