That aims to make all our users happy. Life is easier with good software.
“Hi, I’m Nob. Japan’s Favorite UI, Icon Designer. Working on @SLBco, @JuniorCardsJP, and Daikichi and Nikki’s dad.
Customer management and pre-order application for a coffee shop in Tokyo. In-store coffee bean roasting management application
Design lead. Bluetooth eyerphonh client Transceiver app on iPhone Android apps.
Design lead
Making educational communication platform for iOS, Android apps.
Side Projects
VLC media player Mac App icon for modern OS
1,000,000 downloads recorded.
An application for checking the balances and referring to the usage history of transportation-related IC cards and point cards throughout Japan.
Recent UI ideas/Google Material Design/Sketch/Prototyping/Interaction/Easy-to-use forms/Design guidelines/Gamenics theory/What UX means/UX How to use other
visionOSやiOSの新バージョン、アプリデザイナーはぶっちゃけどう思ってるの? #WWDC23
Work Experience
Founding member and design lead of the company
UI design for in-house produced application for weddings
Also in charge of promotion and direction
Lead the design team.
Delivered UI design for multiple clients.
Redesigned the organization within the company.
UI design of multi-platform applications for creating websites, and official website design and coding.
Email newsletter design.
Software package design.