Intern @ Kontrapunkt
I'm interested in design systems, fediverse, low carbon websites
Side Projects
A collection of beverages I drank from 2016 to 2019
Work Experience
Designing digital concepts
Prototyping in Figma
Making design systems
Understanding the UX phase and how to streamline the transition from wireframes to design, components, and development.
During my time as a design apprentice, I got to work on a wide range of projects, taking on different responsibilities:
Shot, managed, and edited all employee portraits to create a consistent look.
Built a full design system in Figma for PensionDanmark.
Designed newsletters and weekly marketing materials for OKQ8.
Contributed to developing the design principles for Manyone.com site.
Stærke kompetencer inden for trykte medier, med særligt fokus på layout og opsætning i InDesign. Erfaring med grafisk design på tværs af forskellige platforme, herunder plakater, hjemmesider, apps samt tryksager som aviser, magasiner og bøger
Strong expertise in print media, with a particular focus on layout and design using InDesign. Experienced in graphic design across various platforms, including posters, websites, apps, as well as print materials such as newspapers, magazines, and books.