I like to make modest websites.
Work Experience
Fullstack web development with Rails. Led efforts on front-end components (JavaScript) and accessibility.
One-woman product design/engineering/ops team for the first decade.
Hired a CTO in 2021 and stepped down from day to day operations completely.
Product Design → Design Systems → Web Systems (vanilla JavaScript and frontend infrastructure).
From design to fullstack development. Led efforts on Web Components and accessibility for GitHub.com.
Design and front-end development in Rails.
Design and front-end development with Backbone.js, back-end in PHP then Ruby on Rails.
With Emily Nakashima, started @github/accessibility team and created github.com/collections/we….
Side Projects
OpenHeart & OpenStories and their clients. Tools for people who want to be off social media.
Product reviews from your friends.
Easy to use Unicode emoji data in JSON.
A web extension that adds a drawing tab to comment sections on GitHub using <canvas>.
An emoji keyword library.
A word-to-image generator I built in collaboration with illustrator haniboi.com/.