

designer and developer in Boston, MA, he/him


hey there, i'm max.

right now, i'm studying computer science and philosophy at Suffolk University. when i'm not working towards my degree, i'm (usually) either baking some bread, tending to a growing collection of plants, finding some new tunes to jam out to, or hopping between a bunch of weird digital projects.

Side Projects


My personal showcase site and development blog. I visually refresh this once every year, and occasionally post about interesting tech things that mean something to me.


An experimental video editor built in SvelteKit.

Work Experience

2024 — Now
Platform Engineering Intern at TraceLink
Wilmington, MA
2022 — 2022
VR Developer at WVU College of Applied Human Sciences

I worked with a small team of neurosurgeons to develop prototype applications for VR in wide-awake surgery patient evaluation. I also helped modify and create custom environments for VR-based special education training.


2023 — Now
B.S. Computer Science at Suffolk University
Boston, MA

I transferred from WVU to Suffolk for better opportunities in a big city. Here, I currently serve as project manager of the Suffolk University Math Society.

2021 — 2023
West Virginia University

While at WVU, I served as Secretary and Lead Developer of XReality: a VR/AR development club. I also got the chance to go abroad for a year, which was dope!