Michelle Lee

Michelle Lee

Product Designer in Seattle, She/her

Work Experience

2019 — 2024
San Francisco / Remote

2022 – 2024 (Global Operations):
Led vision across several teams to streamline and improve host onboarding, verification, and payout setup processes.

Simultaneously oversaw user experience of critical compliance projects in US and EEA markets, achieving 95%+ completion rate and protecting billions of dollars in gross booking value. This includes introducing a new tax platform and improving verification processes for hosts, businesses, and their payout methods.

2019 – 2022 (Hosting):
Designed various host tool features including new pricing tools (e.g. pet fee, price calculator), a new framework for listing amenity details (e.g. privacy details, wifi speed, entertainment systems), and specialized tools for Superhost Ambassadors.

Developed early design vision and foundational framework for the listings tab redesign. Simplified and redefined information architecture of 60+ settings, established scalable setting patterns, and improved user experience to resolve user feedback and pain points.

2016 — 2019
Palo Alto

Designed various features for government and commercial institutions to understand their data and draw accurate analysis. This includes improving data discovery and navigation, introducing a new notifications system, and improving AI-powered virtual assistant for gathering data insights.

2015 — 2016


2011 — 2016
Bachelor of Design at York University/Sheridan College

With a gap year of design internships at Squarespace, Facebook, Huge, and Palantir.
