– Designer (product/ui-ux/web/graphic)
– Athlete (triathlon)
Work Experience
No-code tool to create custom, automated investing strategies with a focus on creativity and ease of use.
Responsible for all things design and helping to shape and define the product.
Was hired to lead design on a new companion product to the main chatbot app: live chat—to create an all-in-one platform for customer support from automation (bots) to human. Project was eventually cancelled and the remainder of my time was spent optimizing the handoff experience from bot to live chat integrations like Zendesk.
Akira was a telemedicine startup. As the only designer, I was responsible for all things design and designed the iOS & Android apps, desktop web-based practitioner app (multiperson chat + EMR) and branding & marketing (website, social + ads, print).
Acquired by Telus in 2018.
Various roles at agencies and startups doing work for: AIAIAI headphones, a visual cloud storage startup, SportChek, Danish Military, Copenhagen Parts (bicycle accessories), Kibisi (Bjarke Ingels and co), Jordan Oral Care and a number of freelance clients.