Maria Christopher

Maria Christopher

Design systems @Uber in San Francisco, she/her


Host, Design systems stage at Config
San Francisco



Uber product design intern Maria and I sit down to chat about how to apply for your next design internship, including organisational and application tips.

Work Experience

2019 — Now
Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • I redesigned Uber's color system to enhance creative expression while prioritizing accessibility within our brand. Over 1.5 years, I delivered 112 new perceptually uniform color tokens. Additionally, I introduced a complementary Dark mode ramp, APIs for handling elevation and color tinting, and various smaller theming improvements.

  • I launched Dark mode across Uber's flagship Rides product, standardizing the process to enable other teams across the company to adopt it.

  • I redesigned and shipped a family of Input components with a new, scalable architecture. This initiative enabled us to deliver higher-quality components, including a better layout system, custom screen reader frameworks, and clearer state design. Additionally, it significantly reduced development time for future input components.

2018 — 2018
London, United Kingdom
  • Design lead for Shazam iMessage app.

  • Refreshed the Search Page UI to align with the app's overall design.

  • Improved consistency on Android by updating the UI Kit.

  • Educated users on holding their phone upright while using Shazam, resulting in increased song recognition.

2016 — 2017
Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Initiated and spearheaded a comprehensive re-branding initiative for the company, encompassing visual identity, messaging, and user experience.

  • Conceptualized, designed, and implemented solutions for the first virtual classroom environment in Bulgaria.

  • Enhanced usability and accessibility across various educational web platforms.


2011 — Now


2016 — 2019
London, United Kingdom

BA Graphic and media design, First class honors

• Course rep 2016, 2018
• Semester abroad (2017) USC, Los Angeles, CA

2017 — 2017
Los Angeles, CA

Semester abroad programme between UAL and USC, completed during 2017


Uber Design