

Web/Software Developer in Lincoln, United Kingdom, He/They

Writing Everything from scratch at least once.

2 years ago


Hi! I'm Richard a University Student interested in building Software and making it interesting for the user! I am interested in NLP (Natural Language Processing) and the ideas behind compiler and programming language design. I also do work on web development both the frontend and backend.



Redesign of my portfolio website with Vue Nuxt, to create a more fun, and visually appealing experience with some features such as:

  • Vim-like Command navigation

  • A place to store blog posts and projects


I made a brainfuck interpreter using Rust! All with a Lexer, Parser and error reporting.
A Lexer tokenises a .bf file and returns a set of tokens which we can parse and run the program logic. The Parser looks over the tokens and performs the specified operations.
I didn't use an AST but that could be a fun thing for the future.

Side Projects


Simple Build Tool for auto tracking C files in a C project.

Work Experience

2024 — Now
  • Worked alongside client requirements and tight deadlines to make client ideas come to life.

  • Leveraged data analysis and machine learning to unlock actionable market insights.

  • Employed NLP techniques like word embeddings to enhance predictive models and used RAG fine-tuning to ensure the models fit the client's needs.

  • Optimized existing software architecture to streamline development for WebRTC integration.

2023 — Now
  • Spearheaded the redesign and enhancement of the Digital Sky Company website, optimising user experience and incorporating modern design principles.

  • Developed responsive and cross-browser compatible frontend components for the company website, ensuring seamless functionality across various devices.

  • Currently engaged in a full stack development project, seamlessly integrating frontend and backend code to deliver a cohesive and robust web application.

  • Demonstrated adaptability by transitioning from frontend development to a full stack role, showcasing a versatile skill set and a commitment to continuous learning.


2022 — Now
Lincoln, UK

Achieved a 1st in first-year and 2nd year modules like:

  • Programming Fundamentals

  • Maths for Computing

  • Computer Architecture

  • Algorithms and Complexity

  • Object Oriented Programming

  • Operating Systems

  • Applied Programming Paradigms

  • Network Fundamentals

  • Scalable Database Systems

  • Artificial Intelligence

  • Cloud Computing

  • Team Software Engineering

  • User Experience Design

Currently undertaking 3rd year

2020 — 2022
A-Levels at Ken Simpson Community School
Peterborough, UK

Undertook A-Levels in Computer Science, Geography and Chemistry and achieved ABA.



I was featured in a article as one of the top 5 comments that week!
