Meghal Shah
General Surgery Resident in NY, She/her
Redesigning how we operate to keep surgeons in practice and out of pain.
Side Projects
Worked with a multidisciplinary team of physical therapists and designers to curate and design material to implement intraoperative microbreaks at our institution. We hung posters in the operating room, created an animated video depicting the exercises, led teams through microbreaks, and are currently collecting data on implementation.
A toolkit compiling best practice recommendations on how residents should be fitted for loupes.
I led design thinking workshops applying human centered design to resident wellness initiatives. We collaborated with the entrepreneur-in-residence at the Columbia Human Centered Design and Innovation lab to design this project.
I mentor three teams of biomedical engineering graduate students on their longitudinal projects related to surgical ergonomics. Together, we have collaborated on needs assessment, problem definition, and prototyping solutions.
Digital health app that collects pain scores from users after operations and offers custom recovery plans based on pain profiles. Currently prototyping with an MVP of the automated data collection process. This work was presented as a poster at SAGES Emerging Technology 2023.
Under Review
Under Review
Presented quality improvement recommendations to the Performance Improvement and Patient Safety Committee Meeting at the Children's Hospital of New York.
Spoke about and surgical ergonomics and related recommendations at the Overlook Medical Center's Grand Rounds.
I served on a panel for the AWS SCALPELS program representing the resident's perspective and experience on surgical ergonomics.
Work Experience
Spent a year at the CURE Children's Hospital in Mbale, Uganda studying outcomes in pediatric hydrocephalus and spina bifida.