open for new projects. hire me!
I'm a designer and developer with a lot of experience building online experiences. Since 2003, I regularly collaborate with different agencies and design-studios.
Design and realisation of a website for an academy for courses in psychosomatic primary care for doctors.
Realisation of the website for a group practice for biological medicine and dentistry. Design and commissioned by unique
Maintenance and further development of the design and technology of the website of a renowned law firm from Munich and Frankfurt, Germany. The project is based on Wordpress and was implemented and delivered by Sanmiguel.
Design and development of the image-website for Circular Waves.
Circular Waves is a nonprofit organization (NPO), founded in the Principality of Monaco with the mission to save our oceans.
commissioned by unique
Design and realisation of a corporate website for a metal processing company.
Wordpress implementation of a lifestyle and travel blog. Design by Adreas Meiler
Wordpress implementation of Denise Maurer's image website, keynote, moderation and training.
Work Experience
Since 2000, I regularly collaborate with different agencies and design-studios.
Services: Concept, design, implementation
Front-end development for premium customers from various sectors, such as fashion, health and design. Customised implementation of high-quality websites based on Wordpress.
Zirkus Digitalo is a small agency for interactive design and web development.
Freelance art direction for arsmedium ag on clients like telefonica, o2, ay yildiz and more
Design and front-end development of event and conference websites as pure online events or hybrid events.
Front-end development for several clients in the hotel industry. Individual implementation of high-quality hotel websites based on Wordpress.
Art direction online for various clients, such as Amway, BMW, Mini, etc.
Design and implementation of campaign measures, for clients such as Vodafone, BVK, Mc Donalds, etc.
Animation with Director, Lingo, Javascript, HTML, Flash, Video.. the early days of new media