Matteo Negri

Matteo Negri

Digital designer | UX | UI in Milan, He/him

Work Experience

2020 — Now
UX/UI designer - consultant at Methodos

Main projects I worked on:

  • Corporate Academy digital platform: I worked on the design, development and management of a digital training platform for an Italian multinational in the industrial automation sector, specifically taking care of the definition of an integrated gamification system; I also dealt with the User Experience and Interface design of the main sections of the platform (homepage, content library, single page content, personal profile and institutional pages of the Corporate Academy).

  • Corporate intranet design: I collaborated in the design of the new digital workplace for a leading company in Italy in the distribution of consumer electronics. Specifically, I worked in the phases of User Research (through interviews and focus groups), drafting of the document of the project requirements and definition of the Information Architecture through Card Sorting.

2022 — 2023
UX/UI designer at Digital Attitude

Redesign of the hi Content Portal platform of Digital Attitude, a Methodos group company: I designed the updated version of the CMS of the hi software, through the initial phases of User Research (interviews with users and competitive analysis), then co-design in co-design workshop, wireframe and prototype design and finally Usability Testing with users.