Matías Fogg

Matías Fogg

Back-end developer in Buenos Aires, Argentina


Resourceful and adaptable semi-senior back-end developer. Always curious about new technologic developments and enthusiastic about software design. Honest, easygoing and friendly. Reliable, hard-working team player.

Work Experience

2022 — Now
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Semi-senior back-end software developer position at Argentina's leading trading broker and asset management company.

Joined the company at a critical time as it underwent a transition from a pure SQL back-end to a docker-powered microservice architecture mainly involving Java Spring for microservice apps, Kafka for messaging, Hazelcast for caching and C++ for connector to external markets and a websocket server.

  • Development of fixes and improvements and maintenance of the company's market data infrastructure, using an array of scalable Java Spring Boot MVC microservices, Hazelcast for caching and Kafka for messaging

  • Maintenance of the company's WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus array of deployments, which route the requests between the front-end and the back-end and load balances the companies' back-end services

  • Development from scratch and maintenance of the company's websocket server, running on premises and serving 10000 concurrent users with market data throughout the day efficiently and with minimum latency

  • Development from scratch and maintenance of a caching application for the clients' portfolio and calculated total balance, with injection of realtime prices from the market in an effort to lighten the load of the database server and reduce loading latency on the platform's landing page

  • Development of fixes and improvements and maintenance of QuickFIX C++ connector applications for order routing and marketdata streaming to local and United States markets

  • Development from scratch and maintenance of a Django-based realtime monitor for order routing messages sent and received from markets

2021 — 2022
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Part-time position in an up-and-coming nail polish company.

  • Implemented customer service CRM software.

  • Implemented an internal wiki for the documentation and continuous improvement of the company's processes. Oversaw IT systems reestructuring, website revamping and CRM reorganization.

2017 — 2018
Tutor Trainer at Study Team
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Was selected as a trainer for tutors. Taught about our student's needs and the methods to satisfy them, and evaluated our tutors aptitudes for teaching.

2016 — 2018
Student Tutor at Study Team
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Worked as a tutor, particularly focused on students with learning difficulties. Taught and helped my tutorees through their STEM-related courses.


2015 — Now
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires (ITBA) is widely regarded as the highest standard for education in STEM in Argentina. Its vision is to be the most recognized Technology, Engineering and Management University in Argentina for the excellence and quality of its graduates, its faculty, the innovation of its plans, programmes and methodologies, its applied research, its vast business network and its connections with the best universities in the region and in the world.


MP3 Player at ITBA

Developed an MP3 player on an ARM Cortex M4 development board. Written in C, the project included a visual equalizer using a LED matrix, a display for selecting tracks, a controller, an SD card reader and a DAC for audio playback.


Developed an Ableton-style MIDI-compatible music synthesizing application in C++ for Windows. Worked both on back-end and front-end using Qt.

Active noise cancelling system implementation at ITBA

Developed an Active Noise Cancelling (ANC) headset using Broadband Feedforward algorithm.


Developed a security system for building access based on the ARM Cortex-M4 microprocessor. Embedded software written in C++.


Developed an application that automated bode plot measurements. Data was acquired from an Agilent osciloscope and a signal generator was automated to control the tested circuit. Entirely written in Python. Worked both on back-end and front-end, using PyQt.


Implemented a VGA interface on an Altera FPGA device. Project consisted in showing a functional stopwatch on a VGA monitor. Written in Verilog.


2019 — Now
Head of IT at CEITBA
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Volunteered as head of the IT department at ITBA's student center. I maintained a Django-based database web application that managed all of the organization's information and billing.

2021 — 2022
President at CEITBA
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Was elected as President of ITBA's student center. I managed a group of around 15 volunteers and 10 employees that work to enhance life at ITBA, providing services such as sports and language courses as well as functioning as representatives for the student body.

2020 — 2021
Head of Media at CEITBA
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Volunteered as head of the Media department at ITBA's student center. I managed the center's interactions with students, faculty and authorities alike, as well as our social media campaigns.

