Developing something awesome
Experienced Software Engineer with over 11 years in the industry and a Systems Analysis and Development degree. Currently working as a Senior Software Engineer at Indigo Books & Music. Specialized in modern technologies such as C#, JavaScript, TypeScript, .NET Platform, MS SQL Server, SSIS, and Azure. Proficient in database technologies including MS SQL Server, Postgres, MongoDB, Redis, Azure SQL, and MySQL. Well-versed in web development using ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web API, and ASP.NET Razor Pages, leveraging modern frameworks like Angular and jQuery.
Background that spans Monolithic, Microservices, and SOA architectures, with a keen focus on Docker. Learning Kubernetes and Cloud Native philosophy. As an expert in software architecture and system design, I emphasize horizontal scalability, high performance, and robust monitoring using tools like Kibana, Elasticsearch, and Logstash. Experience in integrating multiple web systems using API Gateway with Kong.
Knowledge of various operational systems, including Windows, Linux, and MacOS.
Work Experience
Developed microservices for sales, storage, order management, ETL, and communication using C#, SQL Server (Stored Procedures, Views, Functions, Triggers)
Mentoring developers, and code-reviewers, and participating in the entire SDLC.
Enable the telemetry data for the team to follow systems measures and create dashboards and alerts using New Relic.
Developed integration with Salesforce using different protocols such as FTP, HTTP, and WebDAV.
Collaborated with tech leaders, architects, and stakeholders to make critical software architecture decisions.
Skills: MS SQL Server, SISS, Entity Framework, ADO. Net, Dapper, C#, SOLID, Google Pub/Sub, Azure Functions, Azure Data Factory, TDD, DDD, Onion Architecture, clean code, clean architecture, git, git-flow, SCRUM, GIT, Git-flow
Developed the main ERP which is a Web Application that handling millions of daily requests related to register and processing packages delivery by end-to-end process using C#, Message broker, Cache, SQL Server (Stored Procedures, Views, Functions, Triggers)
Mentoring Junior developers and QA Developers, code-reviewer, participating of entire SDLC
Led the development of the internal C# NuGet library (SmartKargo.Core) which enables the use of Domain-Driven Design principles and leveraging patterns like Fluent Validation, Repository, Unit of Work, and Mediator.
Led the migration of an application from .NET Framework 4 to NET Standard, NET Core, and NET Framework 4.7.2 which enabled the team to deliver new features with an additional gain of performance in 20%.
Led the migration from TFS to GIT with trunk-based development, eliminating weekly “merge hells” and enabling developers to boost their productivity.
Proactively implemented CI/CD pipelines in Azure DevOps, ensuring version awareness across production, QA, staging and development environments.
Collaborated with tech leaders, developer manager, and CTO to make critical software architecture decisions.
Skills: C#, ASP.NET MVC, Web Forms, MS SQL Server, Web API, Rest, Restful, WPF, JavaScript, TypeScript, Redis, Azure Message Hub, Azure Blob Storage, Azure Cloud, Entity Framework, ADO.Net, dapper, Azure Event Hub, Azure Logic Apps, Azure DevOps, CICD, YAML, Azure Key Vault, Azure WebApp Services, Azure Functions, SOLID, TDD, DDD, Onion Architecture, clean code, clean architecture, GIT, TFS, SCRUM
Developed web applications and Web Apis which handle document processing from cloud drivers, scanners, email and faxes
Developed a Microsoft Office plugin for MS Outlook Mail and MS Word that analyzes and categorizes attached documents.
Developed an integration to customer cloud driver (Google Drive, Box, Dropbox and others) using different authentication protocols (OAuth, Basic, Bearer, OTP).
Developed an Android Application for HP Printers (compatibility with HP-Oxpd) using Ionic, Capacitor, Java and Android SDK.
Developed a platform with multi-tenant, a software used for integrating all existing software.
Skills: C#, ASP.NET MVC, Web API, Rest, Restful, SOLID, Angular, Redis, SignalR, MediatR, RabbitMQ, Java, Entity Framework, ADO.Net, dapper, Docker, MS SQL Server, Stored Procedures, PostgreSQL, Azure Active Directory, Azure OCR, Windows Active Directory, TFS, GIT
Developed web applications for educational internal and external systems, integrating with SQL Server-based Totvs RM databases C#, SQL Server (Stored Procedures, Views, Functions, Triggers), and SSRS for reports.
Refactored key systems’ interfaces with financial institutions to ensure proper processing of information about over 50.000 students.
Developed an automatic student re-enrollment system to streamline the transition of students’ academic and financial records to the following school year.
Proactively implemented Jenkins-based CI/CD process, private NuGet Server and Git Flow that enabled the team to deliver to production new features and bugfixes 400% faster.
Skills: C#, ASP.NET MVC, Web API, Rest, Restful, SOLID, Windows Forms, ADO.Net, dapper, Entity Framework, MS SQL Server, Jenkins, CICD, jQuery, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, Ionic, Git, TFS, SSRS, TFS, GIT
Developed web applications for student enrollment, textile products’ manufacturing control systems using VB.NET, C#, SQL Server (Stored Procedures, Views, Functions, Triggers)
Developed reports using SSRS and integration with Totvs (ERP).
Responsible for the maintenance of the Leankeep condo management software.
Developed an Android application to facilitate the integration with the Leankeep product. The app was developed in Xamarin and used the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) to integrate with the Leankeep service.
Skills: C#, VB.NET, ASP Net Web Forms, Windows Forms, WPF, WCF, MS SQL Server, SSRS, HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, TFS, SVN Tortoise
Side Projects
Tech Description:
- Developed an Android/IOS app using C# .NET MAUI with multi-language, synchronization and backup support.
- Implemented cache strategies to reduce API requests using Monkey Cache, SQLite and LiteDB.
- Monitored user engagement and behaviour using App Center (around 200 active users monthly).
- Developed deployment pipelines for Google Play Store (10K+ downloads) and App Store using Azure DevOps.
- Developed Web APIs in ASP.NET and Docker for Azure Web App for Containers. Utilized s and worker pipelines.
- Used PostgreSQL for the app’s database, hosted on Azure.
- Skills: C#, MAUI, XAML, YAML, SQLite, LiteDB, QuestPDF, .NET, Postgresql, Azure WebApp Service, Azure Blob Storage, Azure
Data Queue, Azure Devops, CICD, GIT, Trunk-based Development, Notification Hub, Google Firebase
App Description:
Embark on a transformative journey with DTR Diary, developed since 2016 in the Ionic framework, now upgraded to .NET MAUI! 🌐📲 Elevate self-awareness, monitor thoughts, and foster personal growth. Your review matters! 🌟 #AppDevelopment #SelfDiscovery #TechJourney #DTRDiary #DiarioRPD
Elevate your self-awareness and embark on a transformative journey with RDT Diary designed to monitor and record your automatic thoughts. Tailored as an invaluable companion to your therapy sessions, this app provides a comprehensive toolset for gaining insight into your cognitive patterns
Key Features:
- Monitor and record automatic thoughts
- Evaluate the prevalence of cognitive distortions
- Identify recurring emotional patterns
- Gain insights into your thought processes
- Facilitate self-knowledge for personal development
- Empower yourself on the path to change and improved well-being with our thoughtfully crafted application. Embrace self-discovery, enhance your therapy experience, and pave the way for a more fulfilling life. Download now to embark on your journey of transformation.