Working on way too many things at once. Not great.
Human being since 1989. Fulltime web designer and developer freelancer since 2011. Blogger since 2017.
I have probably the only newsletter that is both weather and location dependant and is very, very infrequent and irregular.
Side Projects
I started my blog on January 1st 2017 and never stopped blogging since. I love everything about blogging, the writing process, and the community of people who still have blogs.
I love taking pictures. I'm no professional photographer but I very much enjoy taking photos when I'm out in nature. And since I don't have an IG account I decided to collect them on a simple custom website.
P&B is my weekly newsletter were I interview interesting people and I ask them to talk about themselves and their blogs.
My experimental newsletter. I write it on my phone and send it while physically on the top of a mountain. It's usually the same mountain but occasionally it's a different one. As a result of that it's a location and weather dependant newsletter and it might as well be the only one.
Weird, quirky and potentially interesting links collected in a container that is designed to bring back some of the randomness and fun of the early days of the web.
Work Experience
For the past 10+ years I designed, co-designed and coded websites of all sorts of shapes and forms for design studios, other freelancers as well as a variety of different clients.
I helped porting the site from Wordpress to Kirby, coded and co-designed various iterations of the site, and helped the with the curation.
Design: Alessandro "Aesse" Scarpellini
Tech: Static HTML
This is a work in progress series and we're currently at V14 of Ale's static portfolio.
Design: Carl Barenbrug
Tech: Kirby 4 (Flat File CMS)
Typefaces: Ndot + Geist Mono
A collection of quirky personal websites delivered one by one at random at the push of a button.
Design: Carl Barenbrug and Myself
Tech: Kirby 3 (Flat File CMS)
Design: Carl Barenbrug and Myself
Tech: Kirby 3 (Flat File CMS) + Shopify Lite
Some of my words found their way into the second volume of Inside Minimalism.
I can't be the only person that's fucking pissed at the entire licensing world for web fonts
My occasional thoughts on minimalism and its relationship with living a simple life
Writing about the personal web is one of my passions.
My take on a new way to look at the web as a place for quietness
This post keeps coming up time and time again. People love minimal email clients apparently.
Over the past 10 years I had the privilege to see a couple of the one pagers I designed and coded being featured on One Page Love
Over the years I had the pleasure to have a few of the sites I worked on featured on the lovely Siteinspire
For some inexplicable reason sometimes my posts gain random traction and can end up in places like the Hacker News front page
Even though I wrote just a few posts on the subject my site has apparently been included as a relevant link for people interested in digital minimalism
This is the only other time something I made managed to gain traction on Product Hunt. Why? No idea. Everything is random on the internet.
We all know Product Hunt is weird and nothing make sense on that platform. Even weirder is the fact that a site I made in an afternoon managed to be the 3rd most upvoted product of the week. The site has since been redesigned and then sold.
One year, full-time course with focus on graphic design, typography, logo design, web coding and web design
High School diploma with focus on design and blacksmithing