Matt Herzog

Matt Herzog

design / code / sound in Chicago, He/him


Designer and builder. Currently Head of Design at LiveKit.


LiveKit Cloud supports running real-time audio/video apps at scale with just a few lines of code. I designed the product experience which allows users to see how their applications are running and allows them to dive deep into sessions to help understand and debug their users.


Did design + development for the new LiveKit homepage. Lots of little interaction and design details. ✨ Check it out!


Recently did score, sound effects, and mixing for the short film "Backwards".


The Narrator's Hut is a place to browse and collect artifacts from the Weird Wilds while hearing stories from the Narrator themself. Each story was backed by immersive audio stories that we later made available as a podcast. Here are some screens of the story and minting experience. I did UI/UX and a bit of front-end dev for this project. I also helped produce some of the audio stories which were performed live at NFT NYC.


Helped produce audio for a handful of stories for an NFT project we repurposed for a podcast.



A step-by-step guide to building your first API backed Figma plugin.

Work Experience

2023 — Now
2023 — Now
Founder at Magical Object

Creating magical products.

2021 — 2023
2016 — 2022
2011 — 2016
Senior Software Engineer / Product Designer at
San Francisco, CA
2007 — 2010
Creative Development Architect at AKQA
Washington, DC