Side Projects
Managed and maintained webservers and databases running Nginx and MariaDB
Set up Cron jobs, service daemons, and routine updates for homelab or Virtual Private Servers
Wiki and logging system built with Eleventy and Foam
UI/UX prioritizes Web Accessibility Initiative standards
Part of a bigger talk encompassing Tech, APEC, and Palestine. The subject of permacomputing sustainability in the tech sector were presented to the audience.
Work Experience
produced and implemented research on data governance and digital rights in El Salvador from conception to implementation
contributed to visual outputs based on research findings
produced a research plan for completing the research within the required time frame and within budget
organized and attended events such as sessions, panels, and workshops for research
coordinated research activities with researchers from other country teams
Created instructional materials for students in a collaborative environment with other educators
Introduced students 3rd to 12th grade in the Swift programing language
Set up interactive programming environments for students with iPads and Macbooks
Used Sphero Bolt technology to demonstrate scripting in JavaScript through interactive puzzles and mazes
Highschool students were introduced to UI/UX design fundamentals for a mockup product
Fabrication laboratory experience was utilized to assist students designing objects in Tinkercad
Oversaw execution of critical project milestones for various clients across the U.S
Utilized in-house software to track team progress
Managed contractors, full-time employees and tracked key responsibilities
Identified and mitigated risks within the project scope
Maintained concise and efficient communication with engineers working off-site
Aside from general responsibilities, I planned and coordinated various competitive collegiate tournaments for Super Smash Bros and League of Legends at Cerritos College. Anxiety Gaming has worked with names such as Imagine Dragons to bring attention to mental health awareness within the gaming community. Partnership with TESPA allowed for opportunities involving Blizzard products.