Luka Petrovic

Luka Petrovic

Fullstack Typescript Developer in Italy, He/Him


2 years ago


Hey there, I'm Luka from Italy – a software developer by trade and an enthusiast of life's many journeys. Leading the way in tech with a zest for finance, fitness, and fun, I'm all about transforming complex code into real-world magic.


  • React in a Monorepo with Lerna: Spearheaded the use of React in a monorepo environment, managed with Lerna for optimized package handling and streamlined workflows.

  • Zustand: Successfully introduced Zustand for state management, revolutionizing the team's development process.

  • TypeScript Integration: Implemented TypeScript for enhanced code reliability and maintainability, ensuring strong type-checking and developer-friendly coding practices.

  • Comprehensive Testing: Developed and maintained a robust testing framework, ensuring high-quality and reliable code through unit, integration, and end-to-end tests.

  • Agile Development Practices: Advocated and practiced agile methodologies, leading to more efficient, adaptive, and collaborative development cycles.


As a Senior Mobile Software Developer for a fitness startup, I have gained a wealth of experience in developing and maintaining high-quality mobile applications for both Android and iOS platforms. My expertise in mobile development, combined with my passion for fitness and health, has allowed me to contribute significantly to the growth and success of the company.

Some of my key responsibilities in this role have included:

  • Designing and implementing new features and functionality for the company's fitness apps, using agile development methodologies
  • Collaborating with cross-functional teams, including product managers, designers, and QA engineers, to ensure timely and high-quality delivery of new features and updates
  • Mentoring and guiding junior developers, helping them to grow and develop their skills
  • Leading technical projects and managing the development of complex features from start to finish
  • Working closely with the product and design teams to ensure that the user experience is intuitive, engaging, and consistent across all platforms
  • Ensuring that all code is of high quality, maintainable, and follows best practices for mobile development
  • Debugging and troubleshooting issues, and providing ongoing support and maintenance for the company's mobile apps

Throughout my time at the company, I have consistently demonstrated my ability to deliver high-quality mobile software on time and on budget, while also playing a key role in the strategic direction of the company's mobile development efforts.


Gucci PLP was a software development project that I had the opportunity to work on during my professional career. It was a web application that offered a customised print label according to store, region, product and many other parameters service to its users.

Role: Senior fullstack web developer.

Responsibilities: My main responsibilities during the project included:

Developing new functionality for the web application using React and NodeJS.
Collaborating and coordinating a small team of developers to design and implement complex technical solutions.
Troubleshoot bugs and solve technical problems during the development process.
Write technical documentation for the developed functionalities and for the use of the application by users.
Attend project meetings and provide progress updates on assigned tasks.


Main tech:

  • React
  • Typescript
  • NodeJS
  • MongoDB

Role & Responsibilities:

Being the only developer of the project, I had the responsibility of the entire application lifecycle, from the choice of the technology stack to the design and development, from setting up a CI/CD flow, to the development of evolutions and bug fixing.


Main Tech:

  • React
  • NodeJS
  • GraphQL
  • PostgreSQL

Role & Responsibilities:

The same as Twin-Yield

Side Projects


Check out my shiny new portfolio:

  • 🚀 Next.js: Speed and elegance combined. It's the backbone of my site!

  • 💅 Tailwind CSS: For that stylish, responsive look. Fashion meets function!

  • 📚 MDX: Where markdown meets code, bringing stories to life in a unique way.

Quick, sleek, and fun - just like web development should be! 😎

Work Experience

2023 — Now
  • React Native & Native Tech: Expertly blending React Native with native technologies for top-tier mobile apps.

  • Redux: Mastering Redux for effective state management, ensuring our apps are both powerful and user-friendly.

  • Cross-functional Collaboration: Working seamlessly with cross-disciplinary teams to integrate diverse perspectives and skills.

  • Problem-Solving: Tackling complex technical challenges with innovative solutions and a positive attitude.

  • Continuous Learning: Actively staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in mobile development.

  • Effective Communication: Bridging the gap between technical and non-technical stakeholders through clear and concise communication.

In the mobile team at Bitfinex, I play a key role in driving forward mobile innovation, combining technical prowess with essential soft skills to deliver outstanding results.

2022 — 2023

Main Tech:

  • React Native

  • Typescript

  • Redux

  • GIT

Role & Responsabilies:

  • Mobile development of the FACEIT platform.

  • Code testing, maintenance and bug fixing

2022 — 2022

Main Tech:

Styled Component

Role & Responsabilies:

Development of the applications of the Playtomic ecosystem ( users, managers, backoffice )
Code testing, maintenance and bug fixing

2022 — 2022

Main tech:


Role & Responsibilities:

Development of ecommerce and custom platforms and applications for customers.
Development of APIs and backend systems.
Continuous improvement, maintenance and bug fixing.
Production deployment, analysis and monitoring.

2019 — 2022

Main Tech:

  • React
  • React Native
  • Typescript
  • Node.js
  • Javascript
  • Java
  • Docker
  • GIT

Role & Responsabilies:

  • Design, develop and implement applications
  • Code testing, maintenance and bug fixing
  • Coordinating small teams ( task assignment, code review, etc.. )
  • Mentoring/coaching junior figures
2016 — 2019

Main Tech:

  • NodeJS
  • Selenium
  • Javascript
  • GIT

Role & Responsabilies:

  • Development of micro application/tools
  • Unit/Regression/Integration/API/UI testing
  • Works on minor bug


2012 — 2016

