Full Stack Engineer with experience in building and maintaining web and mobile applications, proficient in various technologies, including Golang, Vue, React and Node.js.
Currently, I contribute to the development of Cadremploi and Figaro Emploi products at Figaro Classifieds. Previously at GRTGaz, I developed multiple mobile applications for field agents and managed web applications for the national gas network. Additionally, I have experience with CRM tools and client websites from my time at Qualiente.
In my spare time I am passionate about building products, learning from it, and contributing to open-source projects.
Work Experience
Involved in the development of the Cadremploi and Figaro Emploi products within the Employment department:
Created multiple Golang microservices for candidate applications, job alerts, job search, and ingestion of offers hosted on the Google Cloud Platform.
Configured Helm values and set up Terraform resources.
Developed a Google Drive client in Golang integrated into a common library.
Maintained the cadremploi.fr web application, using Kotlin/Vue.
Developed the emploi.lefigaro.fr web application using Nuxt/Vue.
Created an administrative interface in Nuxt/Vue dedicated to offer inspection.
Refactored two Express applications (Node.js) for improved logic separation.
Implemented a resume generator in Vue for Figaro Emploi and Cadremploi.
Involved in the development of 12 mobile applications for field agents within the Nomadism team.
Maintained several applications in Angular/TypeScript and Ionic to handle energy data.
Developed a mobile application from scratch in Angular/TypeScript and Ionic, using the Capacitor framework to access native device features.
Worked on the RIO program, developing a web application in Angular/TypeScript for managing the national gas network.
Developed an internal tool in React.js and Node.js to collect project ideas from employees.
Worked on a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool.
Rebuild powerplus.fr website using a homemade CMS.
Adviced clients and managed client meetings.
Side Projects
Headless cms with the bare minimal
Small application to calculate a monthly budget by saving recurrent or temporary transactions.
Recipio is a digital cookbook, acting as the LinkTree for both personal and familial recipes.
Resumme Builder is a tool that allows you to generate a resume using HTML/CSS templates and JSON data. It follows the JSON Resume standard for structuring resume data.