Olivier Charavel

Olivier Charavel

Senior Designer in France

Senior UI/UX Designer
3D Character Artist Apprentice

Side Projects


Work Experience

2023 — Now
2021 — 2022
Paris, France

beam was a browser + note taking app for macOS.

I designed the app, web app and made marketing videos.
More details: beamapp.co

2017 — 2019
Paris, France

Travelbees was a place recommendation app for iPhone.
A map by you & your friends.

2012 — 2017
Seattle, WA

I designed Black Pixel apps (Kaleidoscope, NetNewsWire, Versions, Pixelboard) and worked with a number of clients such as Apple, Twitter, Vine, ESPN on macOS/iOS, Android apps.

2009 — 2012
Designer at Freelance

I worked as a freelance making icons and UI designs for many apps and services. Latest work included Delicious Library iPhone and Delicious Library 3 (delicious-monster.com/).



French article featuring beam while in beta.


"Phil Letourneau and Olivier Charavel design awesome products and client apps at Black Pixel. In this episode, we discuss the HIG for iOS and Mac and try to find out what this document actually does for developers."


"The team has been working on its own apps for some time, but the Kaleidoscope project really got moving, says Pasco, after they hired designer Olivier Charavel. “He and I really collaborated on the feature set and what we were going to do with it.”"


"If iTunes has become heavy with its multitude of features, Ecoute is clean, lean, and geared to playing music on your Mac. Ecoute is a standalone music player that taps into the iTunes database."


2005 — 2008
Niveau Bac STI, Arts Appliqués at Adolphe Chérioux
Vitry-sur-Seine, France

